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Victory 73

Event ID: 269


Jagd in Flanderns Himmel, Karl Bodenschatz, Verlag Knorr & Hirth München, 1935

27 March 1918

49.9132970265697, 2.723660578832082
1 km N of Chuignolles, S of Bray-sur-Somme

Source ID: 58

Jagd in Flanderns Himmel, Karl Bodenschatz, Verlag Knorr & Hirth München, 1935 p.  76 

From “Under the Guns of the Red Baron, Franks et al”: “1635 hrs, one kilometre north of Chuignolles, south of Bray-sur-Somme. Bristol Fighter – 2, burned; Englishman. Seat of observer was closed, only one occupant. Weather: fine, some low clouds.”

From ‘Jagd in Flandrens Himmel, Bodenschatz’: ‘The commander’s report of his 73rd aerial victory reveals the drama that unfolded before his eyes within a minute: ’Shortly after I had shot my 72nd opponent on fire, I attacked again with the same men of the squadron, saw a Bristol Fighter attacking one of my men, got behind him and shot him on fire from 50 metres. I realised that there was only one occupant. The observer’s seat was locked and I suspect filled with bombs. I shot the pilot dead first, the plane got stuck in the propeller. I fired a few more shots and the plane caught fire, broke up in the air, the fuselage fell into a small wood and continued to burn.‘’

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