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How to use the bot

  • The bot can only produce answers based on the events on the site. It does not use the internet.
  • The texts on the site are excerpts from books, meaning you are querying books.
  • Ask specific questions. Use ‘elaborate’ or ‘tell me more’ if you find the answer too short.
  • Ask follow-up questions to get more detailed answers.
  • The bot cannot extrapolate.
  • The bot cannot count or calculate.
  • The bot cannot deduce or interpret, it is literal.
  • The bot cannot compound information and sucks at making lists.
  • The bot is not Manfred. It can only answer questions about Manfred.
  • Use the double arrow in the title to reset the bot, especially when switching languages.
  • The bot currently answers in English, German, French and Dutch.
  • The bot sometimes hallucinates and invents answers.
  • This is a first non-finetuned, RAG, ChatGPT 3.5, OpenAPI version of the bot. It has its limitations.
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