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Sieg 49

Event ID: 203

29 April 1917

50.28223949409612, 3.05403541048941
Near Lecluse

Source ID: 13

Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery

ISBN: 9781898697275

„Gefechtsbericht: 1205 Uhr, Sümpfe bei Lecluse, diesseits der Linien. Spad Einsitzer. Keine Angaben zum Flugzeug, da es in einem Sumpf verschwunden ist. Ich habe mit einigen meiner Männer eine englische Spad-Gruppe, bestehend aus drei Maschinen, angegriffen. Das Flugzeug, das ich ausgesucht hatte, zerbrach in der Kurve und stürzte brennend in den Sumpf bei Lecluse. Wetter: schön.“

Comments (1)

  1. source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen – Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016

    l. The RFC Combat Casualties Report listed the SPAD serial number as „A. 1573.“

    2. The RFC Combat Casualties Report listed B. 1573’s machine gun as a „Lewis.“

    3. Richthofen’s autobiography Der Rote Kampfflieger described Applin’s downing: „My opponent was the first to fall, after I had shot his engine to pieces. In any case, he decided to land near us. I no longer know any mercy, landl for that reason I attacked him a second time,whereupon the aeroplane fell apart in my stream of bullets. The wings each fell away like pieces of paper and the fuselage went roaring down like a stone on fire.“ Again, this account is consistent with Richthofen’s usual no-quarter modus operandi.

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