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von Schönebeck arrives at Jasta 11

Event ID: 592

07 Juli 1917

50.816141687498735, 3.2403333562695864

Source ID: 44

Who killed the Red Baron? - PJ Carisella & James W Ryan, 1969, Purnell Book Services

ISBN: 0856173061

„Von Schönebeck, who was personally instructed on how to fly the Fokker tripe by Richthofen on his arrival at Jasta 11, described the Baron in this manner: „He was about average height, stocky, dark blond with blue eyes. A voice of middle range, his manner of speech clipped, clear and concise. He had a noble way of speech and never swore or used foul language of any kind. There was always a discussion after a flight and during these discussions he was calm and self-controlled and spoke with much humour, no matter how dangerous the action might have been. One could not help but feel and be touched daily by his extraordinary energy and will power. He shone with calm in the most critical moments, which quite naturally exercised the most salutary influence on all of us.““

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