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Fokker Dr.I, von Fokker Flugzeugwerke

Hauptrolle: Fighter

Motor: 1 x 9-cylindre Oberursel Ur. II rotary engine or 1 x Le Rhône 81 kW (108 hp)

Rüstung: 2 x 7.92 mm air-cooled LMG 08/15 machine-guns

Perhaps the best known German fighter of World War I because it was flown by such aces as Manfred von Richthofen, the Dr.I was an indifferent performer in all aspects of air combat but climb and agility, in which it possessed almost legendary capability. The Dr.I was inspired by the Sopwith Triplane, but took the triplane formula to extremes in maximizing wing area while minimizing overall span. Designed by Reinhold Platz, the Dr.I had a rotary engine, steel-tube fuselage and virtually cantilever wings of wooden construction with ply skinning over their forward surfaces. The type entered service in August 1917, and 420 were built up to May 1918, by which time its low performance was a distinct liability in the hands of all but the most capable of pilots flying purely defensive sorties.  (source: The International Encyclopedia of Aircraft, Oriole Publishing, 1991)

Spanne: 7.2 m (23.6 ft)

Länge: 5.77 m (19 ft)

Höhe: 2.95 m (9.6 ft)

Flügelfläche: 18.66 m² (201 ft²)

Leergewicht: 430 kg (948 lbs)

Max. Gewicht: 610 kg (1345 lbs)


Max. Geschwindigkeit: 185 km/u (115 mph)

Decke: 6100 m (20.013 ft)

Ausdauer: 1.5 hours

Steigrate: 1000 m (3280 ft)in 2'54"

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