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Böhme (Jasta Boelcke) visits JG1

Event ID: 756

19 November 1917

50.816141687498735, 3.2403333562695864

Source ID: 68

Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007

ISBN: 9780715328217

“Richthofen’s jagdgeschwader is also attached to our Army Corps and is right in the neighbourhood, but is at the disposal of the Army High Command only for special missions, while we have a prescribed sector at the Front. Of course, we do not have to stay within it meticulously; when the situation requires, very often we hunt even in the neighbouring sectors – that is what is so great indeed about fighter aviation, that one finds new tasks on every flight and then pursues them based on one’s own decision.
Yesterday afternoon on the flight back from the Front, I stopped for a coffee at Richthofen’s airfield – they always have the best cakes there. Richthofen is constantly spied on by artists, who want to paint his likeness. Yesterday, he said, he wanted to give up flying altogether and busy himself with self-portraiture, which is less dangerous and at least makes one famous just as quickly.”

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