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Excerpt of letter from Lt. Carl August von Schoenebeck to Albert Flipts.

Event ID: 30


Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1

07 June 1977

50.816141687498735, 3.2403333562695864

Source ID: 1

Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 p.   

Extract from a letter from Lt Carl August von Schoenebeck to Albert Flipts (dd 7/6/1977). ‘The time in Markebeke I remember well. Richthofen was with Jasta 11, of which he was the leader, in the castle of the Baron de Bethune. I myself lived in a room on the 2nd floor from July to October 1917. I seem to remember that at that time, an elderly lady, probably the Baroness de Bethune, lived in the castle itself or in an annex. Hopefully, no bad memories were left of Jasta 11. Herewith I send you some pictures. The group picture drawn by Prof Arnold Busch, taken in August 1917 (in the castle). The picture with von Richthofen was, as far as I remember, taken on the stairs or on the terrace of the castle; it is Jasta 11 of which I was a member at that time; I can be seen on the far right in the picture. As for me, I came to Jasta 11 in July 1917 (aged 19) and in March 1918 I was appointed leader of Jasta 33.’

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