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MvR joins military cadets

Event ID: 85


Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1917, 351.000 - 400.000, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin-Wien

01 August 1903

51.14543311995445, 16.243070199541556
Kadettenanstalt Wahlstatt
Legnickie Pole

Source ID: 4

Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1917, 351.000 - 400.000, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin-Wien p.  12 

‘I joined the cadet corps as a young sixth-former. I wasn’t overly keen on being a cadet, but it was my father’s wish and so I wasn’t asked for much. The strict discipline and order was particularly difficult for such a young badger. I wasn’t particularly keen on lessons. I was never a great lumen. I always did as much as I needed to in order to be promoted, but I didn’t think I could do any more and I would have considered it nerdy if I had done better than ‘sufficient’ in class. The natural consequence of this was that my teachers didn’t hold me in high esteem. On the other hand, I liked sports: Gymnastics, playing football, etc., immensely. I don’t think there was a single wave I couldn’t do on the gymnastics bar. I was soon awarded several prizes by my commander. All the breakneck moves impressed me enormously. For example, one fine day I crawled up the famous church tower of Wahlstatt on the lightning conductor with my friend Frankenberg and tied a handkerchief to the top. I still remember exactly how difficult it was to get past the gutters. When I visited my little brother once, about ten years later, I could still see my handkerchief hanging at the top. My friend Frankenberg was the first victim of the war that I ever saw.’

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