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Victory 57

Event ID: 6


Jagd in Flanderns Himmel, Karl Bodenschatz, Verlag Knorr & Hirth München, 1935

02 July 1917

50.73777704056608, 2.957044578239132

Source ID: 58

Jagd in Flanderns Himmel, Karl Bodenschatz, Verlag Knorr & Hirth München, 1935 p.  15 

‘2. 7. 1917.

Deulemont, between the lines, 10.20 in the morning.

I attacked the foremost aeroplane of an enemy squadron. The observer collapsed at the first shots. The pilot was fatally shot shortly afterwards. The R.E. reared up. I fired at the rearing aircraft from a distance of 50 metres with a few more shots until the flames burst out of the aircraft and the enemy crashed burning.

von Richthofen, Rittmeister and commander of Jagdgeschwader I.”

Comments (1)

  1. source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen – Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016

    The author suggests a plausible yet unproven explanation of this subdued white fuselage cross outline could be the result of fuselage sanding during a keying process, whereby the high-gloss factory finish was scuffed to promote paint adhesion for a planned-to-be-applied “wash” of red paint over the entire fuselage that—because of his wounding 6 July—never came. This speculation contends the sanding could have reduced the paint depth of the white outline— which also may have received more sanding than the overall fuselage—and allowed the warm-straw-colored wood underneath to become subtly visible. This is just one of many unproven speculations.

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