Victory 61 – Witness reports
Event ID: 743
03 September 1917
Source ID: 62
ISBN: 978-1-935881-43-8
“Testimony of First Lieut. Reinhard.
I have witnessed Captain v Richthofen’s fight. Whilst fighting in curves the Sopwith One-Seater was forced to land near Bousbecque.(Signed) REINHARD, 1st Lieut. September 3rd, 1917. Pursuit Staffel 11.
Testimony of Lieut. Groos.
On September 3rd, 1917 an Albatross was attacked September 3rd 1917. by a Sopwith squadron. Captain Baron v. Richthofen
pursued a Sopwith and forced him in curves downwards south of Bousbecque. When landing the English pilot crashed his machine. (Signed) GROOS, Lieut. September 3rd, 1917. Pursuit Staffel 11
Testimony of Lieut.Meyer.
On September 3rd, 1917, 7.35AM I observed Capt. V. Richthofen attacking a Sopwith and forcing it down in curves south of Bousbecque. When landing the machine dashed against a tree and broke. (Signed) MEYER, Lieut. September 3rd, 1917. Pursuit Staffel 11.
For Correctness of Copy. O.U. sept. 4th, 1917. (Signed) BODENSCHATZ, First Lieut.
Testimony of Lieut.Laski, Air Protection Officer Gr.Witschate.
I saw between 7.25 and 7.30AM two English R DD — One-seaters, presumably Sopwiths, fighting. The first was brought down by a German triplane, south of Bousebecque, the second by an Albatross south of Tenbrielan. (Signed) LASKI. Air Protection Officer. September 3rd 1917. Gr. Wijtschate.
Testimony of Lieut. Suhr, Anti Aircraft Comp. 188. 7.30AM.
Direction Becelaere a Sopwith brought down by German triplane south of Bousbecque. (Signed) SUHR, Lieut. September 3rd, 1917. Flakzug 188 .
Testimony of Sergeant Major Lackmann, AntiAircraft Batter 559.
7.30AM an English RDD shot down by German triplane south of Bousbecque. (Signed) LACKMANN. September 3rd, 1917. Anti-Aircraft Battery 559.
Testimony of Field Balloon Company 36.
7,35 English plane was shot down by German triplane south of Bousbecque. September 3rd, 1917. Field Balloon Company 36.
For Correctness of Copy, O.U. sept. 4th, 1917. (Signed) BODENSCHATZ, First Lieut.”
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