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Victoire 05

Event ID: 133

16 octobre 1916

50.064750148436424, 2.9926898601962284
Near Ytres

Source ID: 13

Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery

ISBN: 9781898697275

« Rapport de combat : 0500 hrs, près d’Ytres. BE monoplace n° 6580. Moteur Daimler, n° 25188. Occupant : Lieutenant Capper. Avec quatre avions, j’ai repéré au-dessus de Bertincourt une escadrille ennemie à 2 800 mètres d’altitude. Après 350 tirs, j’ai abattu un avion ennemi. L’avion s’est écrasé au sol, brisé. Le moteur peut probablement être sécurisé. Temps : beau avec quelques nuages.

Cet article comporte 1 commentaire

  1. source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen – Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016

    The jasta 2 and No. 19 Squadron reports agree their engagement took place in the afternoon. Thus, 5 « AM » in Richthofen’s combat report likely is a typo for 5 PM (if so, it is unknown if said typo originated on the German report or occured during translation).

    Richthofen misidentified the pilot he shot down as No. 19 Sqn’s Ltn. E. W. Capper. Capper was actually shot down and killed on 14 April 1917 by Jasta 11 pilot Ltn. Kurt Wolff, his 15th victory. It has been theorized that Thompson possessed some article of clothing or flight gear that was marked with Capper’s name.

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