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Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter, par Sopwith Aviation Company

Rôle principal: Fighter/Bomber

Moteur: 1 Clerget 99.7 kW (130hp)

Armement: 2 x 7.7 mm machineguns

believed to have been thus nicknamed for the fact that its cabane struts appeared to be interplane struts cut in half, the 1 1/2 Strutter was the first British aeroplane fitted with an interrupted gun, complemented by a trainable gun in the rear cockpit. First flown in December 1915 with an 82 kW (110 hp) Clerget rotary, the type resulted from a naval requirement and showed such capability that large-scale production was undertaken with the naval and army designations Admiralty Type 9700 and Two-seater respectively. The type was produced in two- and single-seat forms, the latter being a bomber operated almost exclusively by the navy. Deliveries began in spring 1916, and total British production of 1513 1 1/2 Strutters was complemented by about 4500 French-built aircraft. Replacement with more agile fighters of higher performance began in July 1917. (source: The International Encyclopedia of Aircraft, Oriole Publishing, 1991)

Envergure: 10.21 m (33.5 ft)

Longueur: 7.97 m (26.1 ft)


Surface de l’aile :

Poids à vide :

Poids max.: 974 kg (2150 lbs)

Vitesse de croisière :

Vitesse max.: 161 km/h (100 mph)


Endurance: 3.75 hours

Taux de montée :

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