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After the 80th

Event ID: 586

20 avril 1918

49.928483341520156, 2.762579459937117

Source ID: 33

Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993

ISBN: 1854091271

« Leutnant Hans Joachim Wolff recalled that, on the way back to Cappy, Richthofen went down very low so that everyone could recognize his red machine and waved to the infantrymen and the columns of men. Everyone knew who was in the machine and all of them had seen the burning Englishman shortly before. Enthusiastically, they all waved and flung their caps into the air.

 »After Herr Rittmeister landed, he smacked his hands together as he said: « Donnerwetter! Eighty is a respectable number! » And we were all happy for him and thrilled about (his success) ». »

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