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Kommandeur of Jagdgeschwader 1

Event ID: 565

25 juin 1917

50.816141687498735, 3.2403333562695864
50.816141687498735, 3.2403333562695864 Markebeke

Source ID: 33

Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993

ISBN: 1854091271

« As Gen von Hoeppner pointed out in his memoirs: « Due to his number and his sporting spirit, the Englishman was always our most dangerous enemy and the British Front required, as a matter of course, the main force of the German air service. The ever-increasing number of aircraft which the opposition deployed to reach a target made it seem desirable for us to combine several Jagdstaffeln into a Jagdgeschwader…In the personage of Rittmeister von Richthofen…the Geschwader received a Kommandeur whos steel-hard will in relentlessly pursuing the enemy was infused in every member of the Geschwader. His refined lack of pretension, his open, gallant manner and his military skill secured for him amongst the Army an unshakeable trust that, despite his young age, was matched with great respect. » »

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