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Victoire 23

Event ID: 164

04 mars 1917

50.385443220123484, 2.88901904235462

Source ID: 13

Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery

ISBN: 9781898697275

« Rapport de combat : 1620 hrs, Acheville. Sopwith biplace. Occupants : Lieutenant W Reid et Lieutenant H Green, tous deux tués, enterrés par le commandement local à Bois Bernard.

Accompagné de cinq de mes avions, j’ai attaqué une escadrille ennemie au-dessus d’Acheville. Le Sopwith que j’avais repéré a volé pendant un bon moment sous mon feu. Après le 400e tir, l’avion a perdu une aile en effectuant un virage. L’appareil s’est précipité vers le bas. Il n’est pas utile de faire reprendre l’avion, car les pièces sont partout à Acheville et dans les environs. Deux mitrailleuses ont été saisies par mon Staffel. (Une mitrailleuse Lewis n° 20024 et une mitrailleuse Maxim (Vickers) L7500).

Comments (1)

  1. source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen – Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016

    High-resolution photographs published in Lance Bronnenkant’s Manfred von Richthofen, Volume 5 of Aeronaut’s Blue Max Airmen series, reveal Richthofen sitting in the cockpit of Albatros D.III 2006/17 and then subsequently taking off from La Brayelle in the same machine. As will be seen, Richthofen’s combat reports of 1918 consistently list the serial numbers of machines he flew during victorious sorties, and they reveal he often switched between machines. Now it is obvious he also did so during March 1917—and likely had since the beginning. Thus it must be presumed that he flew Le Petit Rouge without exclusivity and that during any given sortie could have flown any given Albatros. Since there is photographic provenance of him flying 2006/17, which was ultimately « handed down » to his brother Lothar after he joined Jasta I l, 2006/17 is an obvious alternative to associate with this combat report. However, this does not mean Richthofen did not fly an Albatros other than the two listed here. Determining which machine Richthofen flew during his victories in 1916 and 1917, aside from the very few he listed in combat reports, is uncertain and continually being researched.

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