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Victoire 58

Event ID: 35

16 août 1917

50.96316338673082, 2.9594966323496976
Polygon Wood

Source ID: 13

Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery

ISBN: 9781898697275

« Rapport de combat : 0755 hrs. Vers 7 h 55, accompagné de quatre avions du Staffel 11, j’ai poursuivi un petit vol de Nieuports. Après une longue poursuite, j’ai attaqué un adversaire et après un court combat, j’ai tiré sur son moteur et son réservoir d’essence. L’avion est parti en vrille. Je l’ai suivi jusqu’à ce qu’il soit juste au-dessus du sol et j’ai tiré une dernière fois, de sorte que l’avion s’est écrasé au sud-ouest de la forêt d’Houthulst et s’est enfoncé dans le sol. Alors que je me trouvais à environ 50 mètres derrière lui, j’ai traversé un nuage de gaz provenant de l’explosion qui m’a empêché de voir pendant un court instant. Temps : beau ».

Comments (1)

  1. source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen – Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016

    l . Floyd Gibbons wrote this combat report was missing from the Reichsarchiv, and similarly it is missing from the translated reports at the National Archives in London. Based on the successive page numbers of the translated versions, the 58th report is not amongst those translated. Report 57 is on the bottom of page 29 and report 59 is on the top of page 30. I.e., they did not forget to copy and send it; the 58th report is not amongst the original translated versions from the 1920s. However, upon inquiry the National Archives revealed it has two copies, AIR/ 1/686/21/13/2250 (possessed by the author) and AIR/2397/262/l. Via email, the source of this work’s combat report (Norman Franks) wrote the translated reports he received from the NA contained all 80. He cannot recall which version he has, but likely it is the latter.

    2. Richthofen referenced this combat in a letter to his mother: « 1 have only made two combat flights since my return being wounded. Both were successful, but after both of them I was completely exhausted. During the first one (No. 58, I nearly became air sick. »

    3. The author can find no definitive connection between Richthofen and D.2059/17. It is attributed he flew this machine during victories 58 and 59, but his 59th victory claim (again, the 58th is missing from the translated reports) does not state the serial number of his airplane. However, photographs reveal D.2059/17 was displayed prominently at Marckebeke airfield during Gen. Ludendorff’s visit 19 August 1917— which fits within the timeline for Richthofen’s 58th and 59th victories 16 and 26 August respectively—and it is plausible-to-likely that the Geschwaderkommandeur’s airplane would be chosen for such presentation. Additionally, as will be seen, after Richthofen’s 26 August victory his Albatros was damaged and removed from the line, just as Fokker’s new F. Is arrived at JGI. Was this Albatros repaired and then subsequently shipped off for museum display? Photographs taken at the Berlin Zeughaus show a pristine Albatros D.V attributed to be Richthofen’s. It appears to have been completely overpainted red, with reapplied white-bordered crosses, but unfortunately the serial number is not visible on the vertical stabilizer. However, diamond-shaped external braces are visible at the fuselage/ empennage junction, a feature often seen on second production batch D.Vs (D.1962-2361/17), including D .2059/17. These points certainly are not definitive evidence of ownership, but the connections fit well enough to be at least circumstantial possibility.

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