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Victory 72

Event ID: 268

27 mars 1918

49.87425330882972, 2.8061379926741705
2 km O of Foucaucourt

Source ID: 1

Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery

ISBN: 9781898697275

« Combat Report: 1630 hrs, two kilometres west of Foucaucourt. Bristol Fighter – 2, burned; Englishman. With six machines of Jasta 11, I attacked enemy infantry flyers molesting our movements. I managed to approach unnoticed at Bristol Fighter withing some 50 metres and then succeeded in shooting him down after some 100 shots. The machine fell burning and hit the ground not far from some German columns.

Some sources suggest that this may have been a DH-4 of 5 RNAS »

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