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von Schönebeck remembers

Event ID: 591

15 août 1917

50.816141687498735, 3.2403333562695864

Source ID: 44

Who killed the Red Baron? - PJ Carisella & James W Ryan, 1969, Purnell Book Services

ISBN: 0856173061

« Carl August von Schönebeck, who flew with the Baron, and survives today, recalls in his correspondence with Carisella: « Each time we came back von Richthofen told us what we had done right and where we made mistakes. Thus, I noticed, to my great astonishment, that he never lost sight of us even when fighting for his life…We knew we could depend on him like a rock. If things were going badly, if we were ever in a hole, he’d notice it and pull us out. It gave the Jasta a great feeling of safety. » »

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