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Sort des pilotes combattant Manfred von Richthofen

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Réparti dans le temps des 80 victoires de MvR

Jours de combat et victoires

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Grades des pilotes combattant Manfred von Richthofen

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Types d’avions abattus

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Nombre et types d’avions abattus

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Victoires au combat par type d’avion

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Le temps de MvR au front en tant que pilote de chasse

Carte thermique des lieux visités par MvR

Top10 des lieux visités par MvR

(basé sur le nombre d’événements dans la base de données)



La Brayelle








Âge moyen des victimes de MvR (pilotes et observateurs)

Evolution de l’âge des 80 victimes pilotes





Escadrons de pilotes combattant Manfred von Richthofen

1st Squadron, RFC1Lt. Allan McNab Denovan
2nd Squadron, RFC52/Lt. Cyril Douglas Bennett, Capt. George Cyril Bailey, Lt. James Benjamin Evelyn Crosbee, 2/Lt. James Smyth, Lt. Edward Treloar Smart
3rd Squadron, RFC32/Lt. Donald Cameron, Major Richard Raymond-Barker, 2/Lt. David Greswolde Lewis
6th Squadron, RFC1Lt. John Briest Culley Madge
9th Squadron, RFC1Lt. Ralph Walter Elly Ellis
11th Squadron, RFC42/Lt. Lionel Bertram Frank Morris, Lt. Ernest Conway Landsdale, Sgt. James Allen Cunniffe, Lt. Waldemar Franklin
12th Squadron, RFC22/Lt. Ian Gilmour Cameron, 2/Lt. David Evan Davies
13th Squadron, RFC4Lt. Patrick John Gordon Powell, Lt. Edward Claude England Derwin, 2/Lt. Alphonso Pascoe, Lt. Reginald William Follit
15th Squadron, RFC2Lt. Thomas Henry Clarke, 2/Lt. Vernon Jack Reading
16th Squadron, RFC6Lts. Percival William Murray, 2/Lt. Gerald Maurice Gosset-Bibby, 2/Lt. George MacDonald Watt, F/Sgt. Sidney Herbert Quicke, 2/Lt. Keith Ingleby MacKenzie, 2/Lt. Eric Arthur Welch
18th Squadron, RFC4Sgt. Cuthbert Godfrey Baldwin, 2/Lt. Gilbert Sudbury Hall, Lt. Lionel George D’Arcy, Sgt. George Stead
19th Squadron, RFC42/Lt. Coningsby Phillip Williams, 2/Lt. Coningsby Phillip Williams, Lt. Richard Plunkett Baker, 2/Lt. Richard Applin
21st Squadron, RFC22/Lt. William Cecil Fenwick, 2/Lt. Arthur James Fisher
23rd Squadron, RFC1(possibly) Lt. Robert Wallace Farquhar
24th Squadron, RFC1Maj.Lanoe George Hawker
25th Squadron, RFC4Captain Oscar Greig, Lt. Arthur Elsdale Boultbee, 2/Lt. Donald Peter McDonald, 2/Lt. Allan Harold Bates
27th Squadron, RFC1Sgt. Herbert Bellerby
29th Squadron, RFC52/Lt. William Harold Trant Williams, Capt.Arthur Gerald Knight, Sgt. James Thomas Byford McCudden, Lt. Arthur John Pearson, Lt. Christopher Guy Gilbert
32nd Squadron, RFC1Lt. Benedict Philip Hunt
34th Squadron, RFC12/Lt. Algernon Peter Warren
40th Squadron, RFC12/Lt. John Hay
41st Squadron, RFC2Lt. Donald Argyle Douglas Ian MacGregor, Lt. John Percy McCone
43rd Squadron, RFC22/Lt. Herbert John Green, Lts. John Heagerty
46th Squadron, RFC2Lt. Algernon Frederick Bird, Capt.Sydney Philip Smith
48th Squadron, RFC22/Lt. Arthur Norman Lechler, Lts. Alfred Terence Adams
52nd Squadron, RFC12/Lt. Ernest David Jones
53rd Squadron, RFC2Sgt Hubert Arthur Whatley, Lt. Leslie Spencer Bowman
54th Squadron, RFC12/Lt. William George Ivamy
57th Squadron, RFC1Capt. Norman George McNaughton MC
59th Squadron, RFC1Capt. James Maitland Stuart
60th Squadron, RFC22/Lt. George Orme Smart, Lt. William Oswald Russell
62nd Squadron, RFC12/Lt. Leonard Frederick Cyril Clutterbuck
64th Squadron, RFC1Lt. James Alexander Vazeill Boddy
73rd Squadron, RFC4Lt. Elmer Ernest Heath, Capt.Thomas Sydney Sharpe, 2/Lt. Albert Vernon Gallie, Lt. Ronald George Hinings Adams?
79th Squadron, RFC12/Lt. George Helliwell Harding
82nd Squadron, RFC1Lt. Joseph Bertram Taylor
8 RNAS2Flt/Lt. Allan Switzer Todd, Flt. Sub-Lt Albert Edward Cuzner
Origine des badges: Wikipedia, and
Source des noms des pilotes: Under the Guns of The Red Baron by Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery.
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