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Picture ID: 219

Gelinkt aan gebeurtenis: 207, MvR vliegt naar het hoofdkwartier om keizer Wilhelm II, Ludendorff en Hindenburg te ontmoeten

Source ID: 26

Bijschrift in bron:

When Richthofen posed for this photograph in Cologne on 1 May 1917, his days as a neophyte student observer were two years behind him. But it must have given personal satisfaction to stand before an Albatros trainer similar to the one in which he had made his first flights. The 52-victory ace and Pour le Mérite recipient was on his way to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II the following day. Richthofen's luncheon appointment with the Supreme Warlord also fell on his own 25th (and last) birthday, after which he went home to Schweidnitz to work on his memoirs. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)

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