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MvR trains on Fokker Eindecker

Event ID: 554


Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993

14 juni 1916

49.523059217148564, 5.343896673227904
Entre Thonne-les-Près et La Chiers (

Source ID: 33

Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993 p. 45

ISBN: 1854091271

“His Staffel leader, Victor Carganico, recalled: “At the time he came to my Staffel as a two-seater pilot, he was already urging that I send him for two or three days to the Heldenvater, the head of the Air Park in Montmédy, Keller, for single-seat fighter instruction. After his return, I place my own single-seater at his disposal, as, due to engine failure through no fault of his own, he had had to ‘set down’ near Verdun.””

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