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Overwinning 25

Event ID: 167


Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery

09 maart 1917

50.32487108970978, 2.7906211827892107
Between Roclincourt and Bailleul

Source ID: 13

Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery p. 74

ISBN: 9781898697275

“Gevechtsverslag: 1155 uur, Vickers éénzitter. Nr. op staart AMC 3425a. Tussen Roclincourt en Bailleul, deze kant van de linie, 500 meter achter loopgraven. Inzittende: Niet herkenbaar, want volledig verbrand.

Met drie van mijn vliegtuigen viel ik verschillende vijandelijke vliegtuigen aan. De machine die ik had uitgekozen vloog al snel in brand en vloog na 100 schoten naar beneden. Het toestel ligt aan onze kant, maar kan niet worden gered omdat het bijna volledig verbrand is en te dicht bij het front. Weer: de hele dag lage wolken en sneeuwstormen.”

Comments (1)

  1. Uncertainty exists again regarding Richthofen’s Albatros. After Le Petit Rouge had been shot up by No.40 Squadron FE.8s on 6 March, it is unknown how long it took to prepare the machine for towing (photographs believed to be taken at that time reveal the elevator and horizontal stabilizers were removed and that the ailerons had been disconnected, likely as a precursor to removing the wings, all of which are associated with the vehicular towing of airplanes), return it to La Brayelle, and then, depending on the unknown extent of the damage, repair or even replace the fuel tanks and engine. Thus, while it is possible Le Petit Rouge had been repaired by the 9th, Richthofen’s description of “shot up” indicates the engine may have required more than passing attention and that he needed another Albatros for this sortie. 2006/16 is a perennial possibility, as is 1996/16, since Lübbert was still convalescing from his wounds three days earlier.

    Richthofen’s combat report reference of “A.M.C. 3425a” regards A2571’s batch number, not serial number. This also confirms that at least part of the rudder survived the pre/post-crash fires. Although ripe for the taking this rudder, either wholly or in part, has not been seen amongst the photographs of Richthofen’s victory souvenirs.

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