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Overwinning 31

Event ID: 177


Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery

25 maart 1917

50.27911721753561, 2.8209634777581267

Source ID: 13

Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery p. 86

ISBN: 9781898697275

“Gevechtsverslag: 0820 uur, Tilloy. Nieuport éénzitter – verbrand. Inzittende: Luitenant Grivert – Engels. Een vijandelijk squadron passeerde onze linies. Ik ging omhoog en haalde hun laatste machine in. Na slechts een paar schoten stopte de propeller van de vijand met draaien. De tegenstander landde in de buurt van Tilloy en bracht zijn vliegtuig in de war. Ik zag dat het vliegtuig even later begon te branden. NB. Vanaf deze datum kwamen de Duitse en Britse tijden overeen en dat zou zo blijven tot 16 april, dus op de volgende rapporten zouden de tijden moeten samenvallen. Weer: helder in de ochtend met af en toe wolken.”

Comments (1)

  1. A discrepancy exists regarding the exact model of this Nieuport, whether it was a 17 or 23. The two were nearly identical, with the major difference being that the latter employed a 120 hp engine, rather than the former’s 110 hp—yet it seems early examples of the Nieuport 23 still employed the 110 hp engine.

    In the Cross and Cockade International book Nieuports in RNAS, RFC and RAF Service, A6689’s serial and SFA numbers are listed as those of a Nieuport 23. However, the same publication also says the RFC did not receive their first Nieuport 23 until May 1917—after Gilbert was shot down.

    The strongest association with a Nieuport 17 is found on the swatch of fabric souvenired from this machine and displayed in the post-war Richthofen Museum, which reads “2874 TYPE 17.” Yet other identified N23s have been photographed with NI 7 stenciling, and records often list individual machines as both types, so a bit of uncertainty remains.

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