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Overwinning 78

Event ID: 274


Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery

07 april 1918

49.878200014750455, 2.510568989517456
500m E of Hill 104, N of Villers-Bretonneux.

Source ID: 13

Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery p. 198

ISBN: 9781898697275

“Gevechtsverslag: 1205 uur, 500 meter ten oosten van heuvel 104, ten noorden van Villers-Bretonneux. Spad, neergekomen; Engelsman. Ik was aan het observeren en merkte dat een Kette (drie) Duitse vliegtuigen die een Engels vliegtuig achtervolgden van achteren werd aangevallen. Ik schoot hen te hulp en viel een Engels vliegtuig aan. Nadat ik mezelf een paar keer achter hem had gezet, viel de tegenstander. Het vliegtuig stortte neer op de grond en ik zag dat het in stukken brak. Dit gebeurde 500 meter ten oosten van Hill 104. Mogelijk een andere Camel van 73 Sqn; er gingen er drie verloren.”

Comments (1)

  1. source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen – Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016

    The confusion with the previous victory identity continues with this one. Richthofen identified his claim as a “Spad” but British Spads were absent the front and no French Spads were lost that day. Presuming Jasta 11 was still or again fighting No. 73 Sqn Camels, two Camels were shot up but returned to base and one, flown by Adams, was shot down, the victory credited to Ltn Hans Kirschstein of Jasta 6. Under the Guns of the Red Baron authors Franks, Giblin and McCrery have postulated the possibility that Richthofen attacked and damaged either of the two Camels that returned to base but witnessed Adams crash, after he had been shot down by
    Kirchstein, and confused Adams’s crashing Camel with one he had attacked, in which case he should not have received credit for the claim. Yet they further state “The bulk of the evidence, however, is that Richthofen was in combat with Adams and was involved in his being brought down, but it was credited to Kirschstein.” Regardless of the identify of Richthofen’s 78th victory, if this and his 77th involved Camels of No. 73 Sqn, Richthofen and Kirchstein were credited with a combined three victories but only two Camels were lost.

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