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Albatros D.V, door Albatros Flugzeugwerke

Hoofdrol: Jager

Motor: 1 Daimler D.IIIa 6-cylindre line engine 149 kW (200 hp)

Bewapening: 2 7.92mm LMG 08/15 machinguns

In a effort to keep its basic fighter design competitive with the Allied fighters that began to appear during 1917, Albatros developed a much improved version of the D.III with a fuselage of deeper, elliptical cross-section to reduce drag and thus boost performance, a factor in which the larger-diameter propeller spinner played its part. Other changes were further reduction in the height of the upper wing above the fuselage, a revised rudder, a pilot’s headrest that was often removed, and a different aileron control system. The D.V entered service in May 1917, and was soon joined by the D.Va that reverted to the upper wing and aileron control system of the D.III. Very large-scale production of both variants was undertaken, but the design was outmoded and could not match the latest Allied fighters. The lower wing was also weak, and tended to break away in a steep dive. (source: The International Encyclopedia of Aircraft, Oriole Publishing, 1991)

Spanwijdte: 9.05 m (29.6 ft)

Lengte: 7.33 m (24 ft)

Hoogte: 2.75 m (9 ft)

Vleugel oppervlakte: 20.86 m² (224.5 ft²)

Leeg gewicht: 680 kg (1499 lbs)

Max. gewicht: 937 kg (2065 lbs)

Kruis snelheid:

Max. snelheid: 170 km/u (105.6 mph)

Plafond: 6250 m (20.505 ft)

Bereik: 2 hours (350 km ( 217 mi))


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