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AEG G.II, door Allgemeine Elektrizitäts Gesellschaft

Hoofdrol: Bommenwerper

Motor: 2 × Benz Bz.III 6-cyl. water-cooled in-line piston engine, 112 kW (150 hp) each

Bewapening: up to 3 × 7.92 mm (.312 in) machine guns

The AEG G.II was a German biplane bomber aircraft of World War I developed from the AEG G.I, with more powerful engines. The G.II was typically armed with three 7.92 mm (.312 in) machine guns and 200 kg (440 lb) of bombs. The bomber suffered stability problems, and many G.IIs were fitted with additional vertical tail surfaces on each side of the fin and rudder to improve flight handling characteristics.[1]

This aircraft was the second assignment of Baron von Richthofen prior to becoming a pilot.

(source: Wikipedia)

Spanwijdte: 16.2 m (53 ft 1.79 in)

Lengte: 9.1 m ( 29 ft 10.26 in)

Hoogte: 3.49 m (11 ft 5.4 in)

Vleugel oppervlakte: 59 m² (640 ft²)

Leeg gewicht: 1450 kg (3196 lbs)

Max. gewicht: 2464 kg (5434 lbs)

Kruis snelheid:

Max. snelheid: 140 km/h (87 Mph)

Plafond: 3000m (9800 ft)

Bereik: 700 km (434 mi)

Klimsnelheid: 1.5 m/s (300 ft/min)

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