Picture ID: 314
Linked to event: 50, Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to Markebeke
Source ID: 32
Caption in Source:
In late August 1917, the new Fokker Dr.I Triplane was brought to the front by its designer, Dutchman Anthony Fokker. This picture shows a group of high-ranking German officers visiting JG1 at Marckebeke at this time. To the left of von Richthofen is Oberleutnant Fritz von Falkenhayn (son of General Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of the German General Staff), who had been a memberof BAO. Almost centre in the light coat is German Chancellor, Dr Georg Michaelis. The bearded man is General Friedrich Sixt von Arnim, commander of the German Fourth Army. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
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