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(L-R) Löwenhart, Hptm. Bruno Loerzer (Jasta 26), Ricchthofen, Hptm. Curt Schwarzenberger (Idflieg staff officer), Klein during the First Fighter Competition at Adlershof, Berlin, January 1918. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller,…

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Manfred von Richthofen bezoekt Jasta 10, v.l.n.r. Loewenhardt, Bodenschatz, Kühn, von Richthofen, Heldmann, Schäfer, Aue en Grassmann. (Deze foto werd genomen in de boomgaard van de hoeve van Medard Vandewoestijne-"Slossens" de barak op de achtergrond is een "Werkstatt".) (picture source:Inside…

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Richthofen posing with a moose he shot during enforced leave in September (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)

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Richthofen inspects his 61st victory, No. 46 Squadron Algernon Bird's downed Sopwith Pup near Bousbeque. Bird is reported to have directed his forced landing into a tree to destroy his machine, and the ditch visible underneath the airplane likely aided…

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Richthofen smiles broadly as he listens to Fokker confer with Michaelis. Fokker F.I 102/17 sits in the background, parked next to an unidentified Albatros D.V. Fokker's cine camera is visible at left. (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of…

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Smiling broadly (center) Richthofen stands at Marckebeke with German Chancellor Georg Michaelis (center) and Anthony Fokker (center-left, arms behind back) 31 August, during Fokker's demonstration of his new pre-production triplane, F.I 102/17. (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of…

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Another photo taken 20 August. Richthofen is smiling, apparently relaxed, and engaging in conversation. (Greg Vanwyngarden). (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)

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Richthofen sitting atop the steps of Castle de Béthune, Marckebeke, late July or early/mid August, 1917. His initial head 'swaddling' bandage is in full view and remained in use until or just after the removal of bone splinters 26 August,…

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