Im Feld Juli 1917 Arnold Busch. (picture source: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine)
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Arnold Busch draws MvRPicture Source ID:1
PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine -
De Albatros D.V Nr D 1177/17 van Manfred von Richthofen waarmee hij neerkwam bij Wervik. Het toestel lijkt vrijwel onbeschadigd aan de grond te zijn gezet.
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Picture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Adjudant Karl Bodenschatz kijkt toe hoe Manfred von Richthofen speelt met een van zijn honden op het vliegveld van de Markebeke. V.l.n.r. J. Wolff, Bodenschatz, MvR, Gussman, onbekend, Steinhauser. (vooraan ligt de loodsdeur die men neerliet als men het toestel naar buiten rolde.)(picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 3
Used in event:409??
Bodenschatz kommt in Markebeke anPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Brief aan Lt. Otto Brauneck (picture source: Wereldoorlog I Marke)
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Letter from MvR to Otto BrauneckPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
MvR met 'Geschwaderstock' samen met zijn verpleegster Käthe Oltersdorf (Fräulein Kätie) in de tuin van het Sint-Niklaasziekenhuis (veldlazaret 76) te Kortrtijk
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Photo session Lazaret 76Picture Source ID:56
Beeldbank Stadsarchief Kortrijk -
Side view of Manfred von Richthofen whilst recovering from his head wound. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 6
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MvR convalescesPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Manfred von Richthofen en Oblt. Kurt Wolff na hun terugkeer uit het lazaret, omringd door officieren van het Jagdgeschwader I, aan de achterkant van het kasteel van Baron de Bethune, in 1917 op de Markebeke, met achteraan links en rechts, Käthe Oltersdorf en Manfreds vader. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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MvR besucht JG IPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Am 6. Juli 1917 wurde Manfred von Richthofen während eines Angriffs auf englische Bombenflugzeuge am Kopf verwundet. Trotz Schädigung des Sehnervs konnte er notlanden. Im August besuchte Major Albrecht von Richthofen, Ortskommandant in der Nähe von Lille (Frankreich), seinen Sohn im Lazarett. (picture source: Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1990 mit Einführung von Nato-Generalsekretär Dr. Manfred Wörner, mit dem 'Reglement für Kamppflieger'.)
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Used in event:21??
MvRs dad visits him in Lazaret 76Picture Source ID:28
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1990 mit Einführung von Nato-Generalsekretär Dr. Manfred Wörner, mit dem 'Reglement für Kamppflieger'. -
An informal shot of MvR with his Great Dane moritz. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
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MvR convalescesPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Lt. Reinhard op bezoek bij MvR in het Sint-Niklaasziekenhuis te Kortrijk.
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Lt. Reinhard visits MvR in Lazaret 76Picture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
MvR te bed in het Sint-Niklaasziekenhuis (Lazaret 76) te Kortrijk. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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MvR verwundet am HinterkopfPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Richthofen being assisted into his flight gear prior to boarding Albatros C.IX 4508/16. Note he is wearing the localized strapped-on bandage. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
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Used in event:376??
MvR in SchweidnitzPicture Source ID:1
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Jasta 11 Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen omringd door zijn piloten te Marke 1917 (foto's genomen voor de serres op het kasteel van Baron de Bethune). (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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Jasta 11 group photo sessionPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Jasta 11 Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen omringd door zijn piloten te Marke 1917 (foto's genomen voor de serres op het kasteel van Baron de Bethune). (The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
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Jasta 11 group photo sessionPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Pour le mérite-Feier bei der Jagdstaffel 6. Richthofen schmückt Dostler mit seinem eigenen Pour le mérite.
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A celebration of Oblt. Dostler's ‘Pour le Mérite’Picture Source ID:1
Jagd in Flanderns Himmel, Karl Bodenschatz, Verlag Knorr & Hirth München, 1935 -
Jasta 11 viert haar 200ste overwinning. Manfred von Richthofen zit in het midden met de 'Geschwaderstock'; eigenaardig genoeg is Lt. von de Osten, die de 200ste overwinning behaalde, niet op de foto te vinden. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
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Used in event:39??
Celebration 200th victory of Jasta 11Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Generaal Ludendorff in gesprek met Manfred von Richthofen tijdens zijn bezoek aan Jasta 11 op 19 augustus 1917 op de Markebeke (bemerk de 'boomloze' dreef naar de hoeve Bekaert met op de achtergrond de kerk van Bissegem; op het middenplan staat het toestel van MvR, Staffelführer, let ook nog op de cockpitladder.
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General Ludendorff besucht MarkebekePicture Source ID:56
Beeldbank Stadsarchief Kortrijk -
Manfred von Richthofen in gesprek met generaal Ludendorff op het vliegveld van Jasta 11 op de Markebeke. (Foto genomen vanop de alarmtoren rechts van de dreef die naar de hoeve Bekaert leidt; bemerk ook rechts op de achtergrond de zijgebouwen van het kasteel de Bethune en de hoeve Bossuyt). (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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General Ludendorff besucht MarkebekePicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Manfred von Richthofen naast 3 andere dragers van de "Pour le Mérite", tijdens de parade voor de Keizer, op 20 augustus 1917. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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Parade voor Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Prinz Hohenlohe in gesprek met von Richthofen (met hoofdverband) op de Keizerparade van 20 augustus 1917. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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Parade voor Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
MvR Leichenzug 1925 - Invalidenfriedhof Berlin. (picture source: Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1990 mit Einführung von Nato-Generalsekretär Dr. Manfred Wörner, mit dem 'Reglement für Kamppflieger'.)
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Leichenzug und BegräbnisPicture Source ID:28
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1990 mit Einführung von Nato-Generalsekretär Dr. Manfred Wörner, mit dem 'Reglement für Kamppflieger'. -
Manfred von Richthofen in gesprek met de majoor Willberg van de Generale Staf van de Luchtmacht.
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Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
MvR explaining the Fokker F1's combat features to Generalmajor Karl von Lossberg, 4. Armée's Chief of Staff.
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Fokker Triplane first deliveryPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Manfred von Richthofen, A. Fokker en Dr. Michaelis in gesprek op de Markebeke. (Op de achtergrond staat Oblt. Bodenschatz, Geschwaderadjudant). (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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Demonstration of Fokker DR I by Anthony FokkerPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Bezoek van Rijkskanselier Dr. Michaelis aan het JG. 1 op 25/8/1917 op de Markebeke (op de achtergrond de nu nog bestaande woning van de familie Vandenweghe langs de Markebekestraat). (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Rijkskanselier Dr. Michaelis in gesprek met Manfred von Richthofen. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Rijkskanselier Dr. Michaelis in 1917 in gesprek met Manfred von Richthofen op de Markebeke (let op Richthofens hoofdverband).
Picture ID: 28
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Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:56
Beeldbank Stadsarchief Kortrijk -
Rijkskanselier Dr. Michaelis en Graf Sixt von Arnhim in 1917 in gesprek met A. Fokker na diens demonstratie op het vliegveld van de Markebeke. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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Demonstration of Fokker DR I by Anthony FokkerPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Manfred von Richthofen samen met piloten van de Jasta 11 met links de gebroken 4-bladige propeller van een neergeschoten Engels B.E.-2 toestel op het kasteel van Baron de Bethune. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
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Photoshoot Jasta 11Picture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Manfred von Richthofen bezoekt Jasta 10, v.l.n.r. Loewenhardt, Bodenschatz, Kühn, von Richthofen, Heldmann, Schäfer, Aue en Grassmann. (Deze foto werd genomen in de boomgaard van de hoeve van Medard Vandewoestijne-"Slossens" de barak op de achtergrond is een "Werkstatt".) (picture source: Stichting De Bethune - Archief en bibliotheek)
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Jastas 4,6,10, 11 in command relationship to JG1Picture Source ID:1
Stichting De Bethune - Archief en bibliotheek -
Richthofen enjoys a smoke break with (L-R) Löwenhardt, Hugo Schäfer, Karl Bodenschatz, March 1918 (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
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Jastas 4,6,10, 11 in command relationship to JG1Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
MvR talking with Oberleutnant Richard Flashar whilst on a visit to Jasta 5 at Boistrancourt. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
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Used in event:480??
MvR visits Jasta 5 in BoistrancourtPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Das Bild zeigt Manfred von Richthofen als Kind im Alter von etwa zwei oder drei Jahren (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 35
Used in event:225??
Manfred von Richthofen, two years oldPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Das Bild zeigt Manfred von Richthofen als Kind im Alter von etwa sieben Jahren. Er trägt einen Matrosen-Anzug, der in der Zeit sehr modern war. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
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Used in event:226??
Manfred von Richthofen is seven years oldPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Die Villa in der Striegauer Straße 10 in Schweidnitz, wohin die Familie 1901 zieht. Hier eine Aufnahme aus den 1930'er Jahren, nach Eröffnung des Richthofen-Museums.
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MvR moves to SwidnicaPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Da Vater Richthofen die militärische Karriere für seinen ältesten Sohn gewählt hatte, trat Manfred v. R. im August 1903 in die Kadetten-Anstalt Wahlstatt an der Katzbach (heute Legnickie Pole/ Polen) ein. Dort bewohnte er dieselbe Stube, die 50 Jahre zuvor Paul von Beneckendorf und von Hindenburg (späterer Generalfeldmarschall und Reichspräsident) bewohnt hatte. In das ehemalige Benediktiner- Kloster wurde 1840 die Kadettenanstalt einquartiert.
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Later I became a cadet in WahlstattPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Die Aufnahme zeigt die drei Brüder von Richthofen. Karl-Bolko ist erst vier Jahre alt, Manfred bereits Kadett und in Uniform. Lothar ist zu dieser Zeit Schüler. Er ging erst nach seinem Schulabschluss zum Militär. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
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Later I became a cadet in WahlstattPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Hauptkadettenanstalt Berlin-Lichterfelde. Hier wurde Manfred von Richthofen zwischen 1909 und 1911 unterrichtet. Hier traf er Hauptmann von Salzmann, den er 1917 in Berlin-Grunewald beim Pferderennen wiedertreffen würde.
Picture ID: 40
Used in event:86??
MvR joins military cadets in LichterfeldePicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Hauptkadettenanstalt Berlin-Lichterfelde. Hier wurde Manfred von Richthofen zwischen 1909 und 1911 unterrichtet. Hier traf er Hauptmann von Salzmann, den er 1917 in Berlin-Grunewald beim Pferderennen wiedertreffen würde.
Picture ID: 41
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MvR joins military cadets in LichterfeldePicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Zu Ostern tritt er in das Ulanen-Regiment 'Kaiser Alexander III. von Rußland' (westpreußisches) Nr. 1 als Fähnrich ein. Die Garnison befindet sich in Militsch bzw. Ostrowo direkt an der Grenze zum russischen Zaren-Reich.
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Used in event:87??
MvR joins Ulanen-Regiment „Kaiser Alexander III. von Rußland“ (Westpreußisches) Nr. 1Picture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Das schönste Wesen, das je die Welt geschaffen hat, ist die echte Ulmer Dogge, mein 'kleines Schoßhündchen', der Moritz. Richthofen und sein Kamerad Zeumer kauften für 5 RM zwei Welpen und nannten sie 'Max und Moritz' - so wie die beiden 'bösen Buben' aus Wilhelm Buschs Lausbuben- Geschichte. Max fiel einem Verkehrsunfall zum Opfer. Moritz bezahlte seinen Übermut mit 'einem Ohr'. Gerhard Böhme (Bruder des Pour le Mérite-Fliegers Erwin Böhme) versorgte die Verletzung, deren Ursache eine 'unliebsame Begegnung' mit einem Propeller gewesen war. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
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Used in event:193??
MoritzPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Den Pokal 'Dem Sieger im Luftkampf' erhielt jeder Soldat, der eine gegnerische Maschine zum Absturz gebracht hatte.
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Victory 01Picture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Die Treppe des Schlosses Roucourt im Jahr 1995. Das Gebäude ist allerdings nicht mehr im Originalzustand, da es noch im Ersten Weltkrieg abbrannte. Aber die Treppe sieht noch so aus wie im Jahr 1917.
Picture ID: 46
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The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Manfred von Richthofen fliegt mit Constanin Krefft nach Bad Kreuznach ins Kaiserliche Hauptquartier. Manfred von Richthofen Kogenluft Ernst von Hoeppner Hermann v. d. Lieth-ThomsenDort trifft er den Kommandierenden General der Luftstreitkräfte (Kogenluft), Generalleutnant Ernst von Hoeppner und Oberstleutnant Hermann von der Lieth-Thomsen, den Chef des Generalstabes der Luftstreitkräfte.
Picture ID: 47
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Generalfeldmarschall v. Hindenburg begrüßt Manfred im Großen Hauptquartier. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
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Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Manfred von Richthofen wird von der Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria empfangen - sie übergibt ihm ein Geschenk anlässlich seines 25. Geburtstages
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MvR breakfast with Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Bei einem Aufenthalt in Berlin-Grunewald trifft Manfred von Richthofen seinen ehemaligen Lehrer von der Kadettenanstalt, Hauptmann Salzmann (picture source: Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007)
Picture ID: 50
Used in event:237??
Stay in Berlin - MvR is photographed (for the Sanke postcards?)Picture Source ID:8
Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007 -
Manfred von Richthofen surrounded by a large group of young admirers. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021
Picture ID: 51
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Lothar, Albrecht und Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen. Lothar war am 13. Mai bei einem Absturz schwer verwundet worden. Tags darauf erhielt er den Orden Pour le Mérite verliehen. Dieses Bild wurde am 15. Juni in Seclin (südl. von Lille/ Frankreich) aufgenommen. Wenig später wurde Lothar zur weiteren Behandlung nach Hamburg verlegt. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 52
Used in event:243??
Albrecht vR visits his pilot sons.Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Manfred von Richthofen and Anthony Fokker with one of Richthofen's victims, a Sopwith Pup B1795. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 53
Used in event:52??
Victory 61Picture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
A delighful informal photograph of MvR with his Great Dane Moritz. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 54
Used in event:25??
MvR convalescesPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Das militärische Vermächtnis Manfred von Richthofens: 'Sollte ich nicht zurück kommen, so soll Oberleutnant [Wilhelm] Reinhard (Jasta 6) die Führung des Geschwaders übernehmen, Freiherr von Richthofen, Rittmeister'
Picture ID: 55
Used in event:259??
Das militärische Vermächtnis Manfred von Richthofens:Picture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
MvR with his dog Moritz at Lechelle with Leutnant Erich Lowenhardt. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 56
Used in event:277??
MvR before last flightPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Öffentliche Bekanntmachung des Todes von Richthofens (hier in der Weimarschen Landes-Zeitung)
Picture ID: 57
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Öffentliche Bekanntmachung des Todes von RichthofensPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Quelle: BArch MSg 1/788 Die Abbildung zeigt die Todesanzeige der Familie für Manfred von Richthofen in der Preußischen Zeitung (Kreuz-Zeitung) vom 29. April 1918
Picture ID: 58
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MvR TodesanzeigePicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Todesanzeige des Jagdgeschwaders für seinen gefallenen Kommandeuer
Picture ID: 59
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Todesanzeige des Jagdgeschwaders für seinen gefallenen KommandeuerPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Richthofen wurde mit einer Vielzahl Orden der Bundesstaaten des Deutschen Reiches, aber auch befreundeter Staaten ausgezeichnet
Picture ID: 60
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MvR funeralPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Erstellung der Sterbeurkunde von Richthofens. Als Offizier im Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 1 hatte er seinen Wohnsitz in seiner Garnison Ostrowo (Provinz Posen). Gemäß der Gesetze gibt es - nach dem Tod - eine offizielle Rückmeldung an das Standesamt der Heimatgemeinde: Sterbeeintrag 245/1918 beim Standesamt Ostrowo Ostrowo am 26. August 1918 'Der Kommandeur der Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung 9 hat mitgeteilt, dass der Rittmeister vom Ulanen-Regiment No. 1, Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthoven[*], 25 Jahre alt, evangelischer Religion, wohnhaft in Ostrowo, geboren zu Breslau, ledig, Sohn des Major außer Dienst Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen und dessen Ehefrau Kunigunde, geborene von Schickfuss Neudorf, wohnhaft in Schweidnitz, in den Kämpfen [nördlich von] Vaux-Somme am einundzwanzigsten April des Jahres eintausend neunhundert und achtzehn an den erhaltenen Verwundungen verstorben sei.' Unterschrift. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Rückmeldung des Todes des Rittmeisters über die Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung erfolgte. Ein Hinweis darauf, dass das Jagdgeschwader 1 organisatorisch der FEA 9, als Ersatztruppe, zugeteil war. Rechtschreibfehler im Dokument: [*] richtig: Richthofen
Picture ID: 62
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Erstellung der Sterbeurkunde von RichthofensPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Detail vom Sterbeurkunde
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Erstellung der Sterbeurkunde von RichthofensPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Manfred und Ilse (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 65
Used in event:225??
Manfred von Richthofen, two years oldPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Picture ID: 66
Used in event:282??
MvR TodesanzeigePicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Pour le Mérite party voor Dostler
Picture ID: 67
Used in event:34??
A celebration of Oblt. Dostler's ‘Pour le Mérite’Picture Source ID:36
Flanders Aviation Society leden die meehelpen aan de site -
Jagdstaffel 11. Festner, Schäfer, Manfred, Lothar, Kurt Wolff (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 68
Used in event:303??
Jasta 11 photoshootPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Manfred und Direktor Fokker (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 69
Used in event:49??
Demonstration of Fokker DR I by Anthony FokkerPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Erz. v. Hoeppner, Kommandierender General der Luftstreitkräfte, begrüßt Manfred. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 70
Used in event:235??
Ernst von Hoeppner, visits Jasta 11Picture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Generak v. Falkenhausen, Oberbefehlshaber der VI. Armee, in Manfreds "Villa". (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 71
Used in event:49??
Demonstration of Fokker DR I by Anthony FokkerPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Manfred und Kurt Wollf. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 72
Used in event:429??
Lt. Wolff gefallenPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Schäfer, Manfred, Kurt Wollf (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 74
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Weihnachten 1916 Der "alte Herr" (x) bei der Jagdstaffel Boelcke
Picture ID: 75
Used in event:335??
Weihnachten bei Jasta BoelckePicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Manfred und Lothar in Marckebeeke. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 76
Used in event:412??
JG I BesprechungPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Der alte Herr zu Besuch in Schloß Roucourt, Mai 1917. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 77
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Das Jagdgeschwader ist vor Kaiser Wilhelm angetreten
Picture ID: 78
Used in event:45??
Parade voor Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:56
Beeldbank Stadsarchief Kortrijk -
The Kaiser taking Rittmeister Manfred von Richthofen's salute at a parade in August 1917. Richthofen's bandaged head is very apparent. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 79
Used in event:45??
Parade voor Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:10
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Kurt Wolff, ein Österreichischer Offizier, Krefft, Manfred. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 82
Used in event:46??
MvR receives Austrian decorationPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Urlaubsflug in die Heimat. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 87
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Alle daheim, May 1917. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 88
Used in event:428??
MvR im Urlaub befohlenPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Ein Schnappschuß: Manfred in Zivil. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 89
Used in event:210??
MvR flies to SchweidnitzPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Manfred im Gespräch mit Garganico, rechts Gerstenberg. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.)
Picture ID: 92
Used in event:271??
Victory 75Picture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Manfred Frhr. v. Richthofen
Picture ID: 93
Used in event:154??
Picture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Abwurf der Todesmeldung durch englische Flieger hinter der deutschen Front
Picture ID: 94
Used in event:399??
Abwurf der Todesmeldung durch englische Flieger hinter der deutschen FrontPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Richthofen in the cockpit of an Albatros D.V. The Jasta 11 red nose marking extends further aft than usual, to intersect the cockpit combing. The object hanging on the chain is the magneto key. If the key were visible that way it ensured the mags were off and the engine could not be started inadvertently via movement of the propeller. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von Richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 95
Used in event:7??
Arnold Busch draws MvRPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Roy Brown's first Combat Report. (picture source: The Red Baron's Last Flight - Norman Franks - Alan Bennett)
Picture ID: 96
Used in event:498??
Roy Brown erzähltPicture Source ID:39
The Red Baron's Last Flight - Norman Franks - Alan Bennett -
17GW432 Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen visited his sons, Manfred and Lothar, at Roucourt, where Jasta 11 was stationed in April 1917. The Red Baron takes to a bicycle for the camera. There appears to be a nosed-over aircraft in the background.(picture source: The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd)
Picture ID: 97
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:12
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd -
17GW432 The room of von Richthofen with a trophy wall bearing the serial numbers of his victims cut from the wreckage. The chandelier is a rotary engine from one of his kills. (picture source: The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd)
Picture ID: 98
Used in event:192??
Victory 43Picture Source ID:12
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd -
Baron Richthofen Field surface examination report. The body was not opened.
Picture ID: 99
Used in event:278??
MvR autopsy (disturbing pictures)Picture Source ID:40
http://roybrown.ca/photo-album-gallery.html -
(picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 100
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
English Combat Report of MvR's final flight
Picture ID: 101
Used in event:403??
Final flightPicture Source ID:0
17GW436 The Richthofen brothers, Lothar and Manfred, have their photographs taken alongside one of their new mounts - the Fokker Triplane. This type of machine had its own distinctive handling characteristics; this was especially the case because the engine rotated, wherease the Albatros engines where stationary. Pilots of Geschwader 1 who had only flown the Albatros reeived familiarization of the type by flying first the Fokker DV biplanes, which were not intended for frontline use. (picture source: The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd)
Picture ID: 102
Used in event:400??
Fokker Triplane first deliveryPicture Source ID:12
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd -
17GW448 The Red Baron, seen here visiting Kampfgeschwader 3 bomber base at Gontrode, Belgium, where he is conferring with Hauptmann Rudolf Kleine, KG3's commander (left); the unit's adjutant, Oberleutnant Gerlich, is standing centre. Escorting bombers was not to Richthofen's liking as he much preferred the hunting role rather than the defending one. Although equipped with theTriplanes some JG 1 pilots continued to fly the Albatros, as teething troubles were experienced with the new three-winged machines. (picture source: The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd)
Picture ID: 103
Used in event:401??
MvR visits Kampfgeschwader 3Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Richthofen mingling with his pilots at Cappy, one of two photographs Ltn. Richard Wenzel said was taken on 21 April 1918. (L-R) Ltn. Wolfram von Richthofen, Vzfw. Edgar Scholtz, Oblt. Walther Karjus, Ltn. Hans-Joachim Wolff, Hptm. Kurt Lischke, Richthofen, Löwenhardt, Ltn. Werner Steinhäuser, Ltn. Hans Weiss. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 104
Used in event:402??
Awaiting ordersPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
17GW456 Richthofen being dressed by attendants for a sortie, much in the manner of medieval knights of old. Because of the fur boots this picture is sometimes captioned as being the Red Baron about to take off on his last fligt, 21 April 1918; however the aircraft appears to be a biplane rather then a triplane of the type in which he was killed. (picture source: The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd)
Picture ID: 106
Used in event:189??
My most successful day so farPicture Source ID:12
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd -
(picture source: The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd)
Picture ID: 107
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:12
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd -
The remains of 425/17 after being shot down and picked through for souvenirs. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 108
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Injuries to his face were caused by him impacting with his machine guns. He had released his harness to work on a malfunctioning gun. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 109
Used in event:278??
MvR autopsy (disturbing pictures)Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Injuries to his face were caused by him impacting with his machine guns. He had released his harness to work on a malfunctioning gun. (picture source: The dramatic true story of the Red Baron, Wiliam E Burrows, 1972, Mayflower Books)
Picture ID: 110
Used in event:278??
MvR autopsy (disturbing pictures)Picture Source ID:29
The dramatic true story of the Red Baron, Wiliam E Burrows, 1972, Mayflower Books -
MvR appointed OberLeutnant. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 111
Used in event:174??
MvR appointed first lieutenantPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Red Barons Fokker at Bertangles now being guarded from souvenir hunters
Picture ID: 112
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:40
http://roybrown.ca/photo-album-gallery.html -
17GW491 Two Spandau IMG 08 were fitted to the cowling of the Fokker Triplane. On the Red Baron's last fight one of the weapons had ceased to function and the other was misfiring because of a split firing pin. Lieutenant May would likely have been shot down had the guns been working. Richthofen had released his harness and was working to free the mechanism when a single bullet fired from below fatally wounded him.
Picture ID: 113
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:12
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd -
17GW494 Two machine guns from Richthofen's aircraft. Left to right: Lieutenant N. Mulroney (pilot); Lieutenant O G Witcomb (observer) and Lieutenant F J Mart (observer) examine the Spandau machine guns of the Red Baron. All three are members of 3 Squadron Australian Flying Corps (AFC). (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 114
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
17GW493 - 17GW502 Richthofen was buried with full military honours, with much saluting and presenting of arms, on 22 April 1918 at Bertangles. Six Australian pilots served as pall bearers. However, some of the local people did not view the Boche warrior and slayer of their aviators with the same respect and that night the grave was desecrated. ((picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 115
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Australian troops march with Richthofen's body during 1818 funeral
Picture ID: 116
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:12
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd -
picture source: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine
Picture ID: 117
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:66
PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine -
17GW498 picture source: The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd
Picture ID: 118
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:12
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd -
Australian troops firing a gun salute at Baron von Richthofen's funeral, Bertangles Cemetery.
Picture ID: 119
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Australian troops lower Richthofen's casket in Bertangles Cemetery
Picture ID: 120
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
17GW501 picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021
Picture ID: 121
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
17GW502 picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021
Picture ID: 122
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
picture source: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine
Picture ID: 123
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:66
PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine -
Hindenburg bei Richthofens Beisetzung auf dem Invalidenfriedhof in Berlin. (picture source: Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1933, Eingeleitet und ergänzt von Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, mit einem Vorwort von Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin)
Picture ID: 124
Used in event:467??
Richthofens Grab in 1931Picture Source ID:22
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1933, Eingeleitet und ergänzt von Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, mit einem Vorwort von Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin -
MvR in front of his Albatros
Picture ID: 126
Used in event:330??
MvR bekommt den HohenzollernordenPicture Source ID:15
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v519/JFM/02_zps36137a5e.jpg -
The famed "Ehrenbecher" given by the Generalluftzeugmeister to airmen after their first victory. (picture source: Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery)
Picture ID: 127
Used in event:128??
Victory 01Picture Source ID:13
Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery -
MvR showing his Pour le Mérite, Iron Cross 1st Class, Knight's Cross with Swords of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern, Duke Carl Eduard Medal Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Austro-Hungarian Military Merit Cross.
Picture ID: 128
Used in event:154??
MvR receives 'Pour le mérite'Picture Source ID:13
Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery -
Richthofen's cigarette case signed by all the leaders of the various German squadrons at the front. Presented to Richthofen on his 1000th patrol.
Picture ID: 129
Used in event:473??
MvR's house in Schweidnitz opens up as a museum in his honour.Picture Source ID:29
The dramatic true story of the Red Baron, Wiliam E Burrows, 1972, Mayflower Books -
Richthofen chats with Jasta 10 Oblt. Hans Klein during the First Fighter Competition at Adlershof, near Berlin, January 1918. The purpose of the competition was to have airplane manufacturers submit new designs to be demonstrated and then test flown by combat pilots, with the goal of developing and securing a production order to provide the best fighter possible for Germany. Although present in an official and military capacity, several candid photographs taken during the competition show Richthofen engaged, relaxed, and smiling. (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 130
Used in event:576??
Richard Wenzl speaks about "typenprüfungen" in AdlershofPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Werner Voss and family, and MvR
Picture ID: 132
Used in event:567??
Thank you note to Voss' fatherPicture Source ID:0
Rare picture of Manfred smiling broadly. (picture source: Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery) (picture source: Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery)
Picture ID: 133
Used in event:204??
Victory 50Picture Source ID:13
Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery -
Richthofen shares an apparently jocular moment with a relieved Algneron Bird, shortly after his downing. The strap of Richthofen's head bandage is clearly visible descending from under his cap and circling beneath his chin. This photograph is one of many which demonstrate that by early September Richthofen was neither morose nor isolating himself any longer 'within his four walls' after aerial combat. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 134
Used in event:52??
Victory 61Picture Source ID:62
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
Richthogen's grave in East Berlin's Invaliden Cemetery. The tombstone, pockmarked by bullets, stands a few feet from the Berlin wall.
Picture ID: 135
Used in event:453??
einen riesigen GrabsteinPicture Source ID:29
The dramatic true story of the Red Baron, Wiliam E Burrows, 1972, Mayflower Books -
Victory 61 (picture source: General Internet Search)
Picture ID: 136
Used in event:52??
Victory 61Picture Source ID:17
General internet search -
Victory 61 (picture source: General Internet Search)
Picture ID: 137
Used in event:52??
Victory 61Picture Source ID:17
General internet search -
Victory 61. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 138
Used in event:52??
Victory 61Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
The crudely altered Balkenkreuze taken from the right side of Von Richthofen's Fokker Triplane 425/17 which was auctioned in London in 1994. It had been cut from the machine by L/Cpl A E Putman, 32 Battalion, AIF, who later gave it to a doctor who saved his life. Until its sale it had hung on the doctor's wall. (picture source: Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery)
Picture ID: 139
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:13
Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery -
The Balkenkreuze taken from the left side of the same Fokker Triplane which currently resides in the Royal Canadian Military Institute in Toronto, given to them by Captain Roy Brown. The bare fabric in the centre shows the signature of 209 Squadron pilots in April 1918. (picture source: Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery)
Picture ID: 140
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:13
Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery -
Fähnrich (Officer Candidate) Manfred von Richthofen, 1912 (picture source: Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007)
Picture ID: 141
Used in event:90??
First period as an officerPicture Source ID:68
Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007 -
MvR in conversation with Leutnant Alfred Gerstenberg in front of MvR's Halberstadt D. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 142
Used in event:69??
Letter of Hartha Gerstenberg to Albert FliptsPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
This photo of the helmet worn by von Richthofen on 6 July shows clearly just how close he came to being JG I’s first casualty (University of Maine – Floyd Gibbons Collection).(picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 143
Used in event:414??
MvR verwundet am HinterkopfPicture Source ID:16
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Major General von Lossberg, Chief of Staff Fourth Army, talking to aircraft designer Tony Fokker, who is seated in the cockpit of Fokker FI 102/17, while MvR and Lt Adam look on. Less than a month later, Lt Kurt Wolff would lose his life in this same machine (picture source: Beeldbank Stadsarchief Kortrijk).
Picture ID: 144
Used in event:400??
Fokker Triplane first deliveryPicture Source ID:56
Beeldbank Stadsarchief Kortrijk -
The two famous von Richthofen brothers pictured here in the garden behind Château Marckebeke (Sanke card). (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 145
Used in event:33??
Jasta 11 group photo sessionPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
Richthofen’s quarters at Lechelle airfield. If you look closely, you can see Moritz lying on the stacked material in front of the windows. (Original book).
Picture ID: 148
Used in event:439??
Sie kamen in MassenPicture Source ID:16
Jan Hayzlett Hunting With Richthofen: the Bodenschatz diaries -
A newspaper photo of Richthofen’s memorial service on Thursday, 2 May 1918 in the old Garrison Church in Berlin. Four machine guns and an airplane propellor adorned the catafalque on which rested a black pillow (ordenskissen) displaying von Richthofen’s many medals. An honor guard of airmen stood to either side, between four towering columns, each one topped by a bronze urn in which a flame burned. A fitting farewell to Germany’s greatest airman (University of Maine – Floyd Gibbons Collection).
Picture ID: 149
Used in event:397??
Trauerfeier für ManfredPicture Source ID:16
Jan Hayzlett Hunting With Richthofen: the Bodenschatz diaries -
Jagdstaffel 11. Festner, Schäfer, Manfred, Lothar, Kurt Wolff. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 150
Used in event:303??
Jasta 11 photoshootPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Four views of the Richthofen museum (Sue Hayes Fisher).
Picture ID: 152
Used in event:285??
MvR's house in Schweidnitz opens up as a museum in his honour.Picture Source ID:16
Jan Hayzlett Hunting With Richthofen: the Bodenschatz diaries -
Four views of the Richthofen museum (Sue Hayes Fisher).
Picture ID: 153
Used in event:285??
Trauerfeier für ManfredPicture Source ID:16
Jan Hayzlett Hunting With Richthofen: the Bodenschatz diaries -
Colorized view of the Richthofen home, after Kunigunde had opened the Richthfofen museum in 1933. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 154
Used in event:473??
MvR's house in Schweidnitz opens up as a museum in his honour.Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
The Richthofen memorial erected in the park across the street from his parent’s home in Schweidnitz (Old Postcard via Sue Hayes Fisher). Today the Richthofen memorial is crumbling away, and the bronze plaque has long since disappeared (Author).
Picture ID: 155
Used in event:449??
Gedächtnissstätte für MvRPicture Source ID:16
Jan Hayzlett Hunting With Richthofen: the Bodenschatz diaries -
The Richthofen memorial erected in the park across the street from his parent’s home in Schweidnitz (Old Postcard via Sue Hayes Fisher). Today the Richthofen memorial is crumbling away, and the bronze plaque has long since disappeared (Author).
Picture ID: 156
Used in event:449??
Gedächtnissstätte für MvRPicture Source ID:16
Jan Hayzlett Hunting With Richthofen: the Bodenschatz diaries -
Close-up view of the plaque. The inscription reads: ‘Memorial for Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen. Born 2 May 1892. Fell on 21 April 1918. (Left) To the most successful combat pilot of the World War. (Right) To the undefeated victor of 80 aerial combats. (Below) Erected in the year 1928 from contrib-utions of his grateful homeland’ (Old Postcard).
Picture ID: 157
Used in event:449??
Gedächtnissstätte für MvRPicture Source ID:16
Jan Hayzlett Hunting With Richthofen: the Bodenschatz diaries -
During a visit to JG 1, Major Albrecht von Richthofen (right) listened with pride and interest as young fighter pilots discussed their work. From left: Leutnant Konstantin Krefft, Leutnant Otto Brauneck, Oberleutnant Ernst Freiherr von Althaus, MvR and Oberleutnant Erwin Böhme.
Picture ID: 158
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:30
The Red Baron Combat Wing, Jagdgeschwader Richthofen in Battle, Peter Kilduff, 1997, Arms and armour press -
Captain Manfred von Richtofen (2 May 1892 – 21 April 1918) with the officers of the Jagdstaffel 11. From left to fight - unknown, unknown, Kurt Wolff, Ernst Udet, Werner Voss, unknown, Friedrich Noltenius, Karl Emil Schafer, unknown, Karl Allmenroder.
Picture ID: 159
Used in event:33??
Jasta 11 group photo sessionPicture Source ID:19
https://www.reddit.com/r/ColorizedHistory/comments/ktxudh/captain_manfred_von_richtofen_2_may_1892_21_april/?st=KJR3SGMI&sh=2d02da62 -
Richthofen aufgebahrt - Pour le Mérite-Flieger stehen Wache (rechts Curt Wüsthoff). (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 160
Used in event:505??
Aufbahrung in der GnadenkirchePicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Pour le Mérite-Ritter tragen den Sarg, dahinter gehen Mutter Richthofen und der Reichspräsident von Hindenburg, Generalfeldmarschall a. D. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 161
Used in event:452??
Überführung von Richthofen nach Deutschland.Picture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Der Sarg Manfred von Richthofens wird in der Kirche aufgebahrt. Carl Bolle (1) hält Ehrenwache, ebenso ein (ehemaliger) Offizier des Ulanen-Regiments.
Picture ID: 162
Used in event:505??
Aufbahrung in der GnadenkirchePicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Der Sarg von Richthofens wird aus der Kirche herausgetragen und auf die Lafette eines Geschützes gestellt.
Picture ID: 163
Used in event:452??
Überführung von Richthofen nach Deutschland.Picture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Auf dem Weg zum Invaliden-Friedhof: (1) Mutter Richthofen, (2) Bruder Karl-Bolko, (3) Paul von Hindenburg, ( ) Franz Walz, (4) Hans Klein, ( ) Paul Bäumer (5) Otto Könnecke, (6) Oskar von Boenigk, ( ) Heinrich Bongartz, (7) Alfred Keller, ( ) Josef Veltjens (verdeckt), (8) Carl Wüsthoff, (9) Carl Bolle, (10) Herrmann Köhl
Picture ID: 164
Used in event:452??
Überführung von Richthofen nach Deutschland.Picture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
(1) Alfred Keller, (2) Josef Veltjens, ( ) Julius Buckler, (3) Bruno Loerzer, (4) Paul Bäumer, (5) Oskar von Boenigk, ( ) Heinrich Bongartz
Picture ID: 165
Used in event:452??
Überführung von Richthofen nach Deutschland.Picture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Am offenen Grab: (1) Paul von Hindenburg, (2) Franz Walz, (3) Paul Bäumer, (4) Emil Thuy, (5) Oskar von Boenigk, (6) Leo Leonhardy, (7) Alfred Keller, (8) Carl Bolle
Picture ID: 166
Used in event:452??
Überführung von Richthofen nach Deutschland.Picture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Das Grab Manfred von Richthofens auf dem Invaliden-Friedhof in Berlin 1925.
Picture ID: 167
Used in event:452??
Überführung von Richthofen nach Deutschland.Picture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Richthofen-Denkmal in seiner Heimatstadt Schweidnitz bei Breslau
Picture ID: 168
Used in event:449??
Gedächtnissstätte für MvRPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Richthofen-Denkmal in seiner Heimatstadt Schweidnitz bei Breslau
Picture ID: 169
Used in event:449??
Gedächtnissstätte für MvRPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Die neugestaltete Grabstelle. Quelle: BArch B II Richt 4. Im Jahr 1937 erfuhr die Grabstelle eine repräsentative Überarbeitung. Das Photo zeigt die neugestaltete Grabstelle, flankiert von zwei Angehörigen des Traditionsgeschwaders JG 2 "Richthofen". Der repräsentative Grabstein gelangte nach Auflösung des Grabes auf dem Berliner Invalidenfriedhof 1975 an das Jagdgeschwader 71 "Richthofen" in Wittmund.
Picture ID: 170
Used in event:453??
einen riesigen GrabsteinPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Dem Reichsluftfahrtminister war der ursprüngliche Grabstein nicht groß genug: Er spendierte den großen, aufrecht stehenden, den man mit einer Mauer verwechseln könnte. Dieser Stein wurde 1975 nach Wittmund (zum Bundeswehrgeschwader Richthofen) transportiert, als von Richthofen (siehe 1975) nach Wiesbaden überführt wurde. Der Stein wurde 2017 vom Kasernengelände verbannt und wieder nach Berlin, auf den Invalidenfriedhof verbracht.
Picture ID: 171
Used in event:453??
einen riesigen GrabsteinPicture Source ID:8
http://www.frontflieger.de/4-ric13.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Anschreiben Seite 1, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 177
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Anschreiben Seite 2, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 178
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 1, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 179
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 2, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 180
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 3, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 181
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 4, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 182
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 5, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 183
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 6, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 184
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 7, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 185
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 8, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 186
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 9, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 187
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 10, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 188
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 11, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 189
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 12, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 190
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 13, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 191
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Erfahrungsbericht Seite 14, Quelle BArch PH 17/23
Picture ID: 192
Used in event:474??
MvR writes 'Reglement für Kampfflieger'Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Manfred von Richthofen im Jahr 1917, an der Seite erkennbar das Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse und das Abzeichen für Militär-Flugzeugführer. Quelle: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-R18508 / Fotograf: unbekannt. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 193
Used in event:459??
Eiserne Kreuz 1. KlassePicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Quelle: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-S54131 / Fotograf: unbekannt
Picture ID: 194
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Quelle: BArch PH 17-I/97 (Seite 5) Durch das Gouvernement Köln erfuhr der Kommandierende General der Luftstreitkräfte am 22. April 1918 von der Mitteilung des "Daily Chronicle" über Richthofens Tod im Luftkampf und der wohlwollenden Würdigung des gefallenen Gegners durch den Kriegsberichterstatter der "Times".
Picture ID: 195
Used in event:460??
Mitteilung des Gouvernement KölnPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Quelle: BArch PH 17-I/97 (Seite 4) Das abgebildete Dokument, eine Mitteilung der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters in Amsterdam, stellt die erste detaillierte Nachricht über Richthofens Todesumstände dar. Bereits hier wird die tödliche Kugel einem australischen MG-Schützen, der vom Boden aus auf den tieffliegenden Richthofen feuerte, zugerechnet.
Picture ID: 196
Used in event:461??
Mitteilung des Nachrichtenagentur ReutersPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Quelle: BArch PH 17-I/97 (Seite 3) Das Gouvernement Köln gab die dort empfangenen Meldungen aus den neutralen Niederlanden zum Tod Richthofens vom 22. und 23. April 1918 per Fernspruch an den Kommandierenden General der Luftstreitkräfte weiter.
Picture ID: 197
Used in event:462??
Fernspruch des Gouvernement KölnPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Quelle: BArch PH 17-I/97 (Seite 2) Bei dem hier gezeigten Schriftstück vom 23. April 1918 handelt es sich um eine Mitteilung des Kogenluft an die Oberste Heeresleitung, die die aus den neutralen Niederlanden stammenden Meldungen zum Tod Richthofens weitergibt.
Picture ID: 198
Used in event:463??
Mitteilung des Kogenluft zum Tod RichthofensPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Quelle: BArch PH 17-I/97 (Seite 1) Das abgebildete Dokument vom 23. April 1918 zeigt den vom Kogenluft, General d.K.Ernst von Hoeppner, abgezeichneten Entwurf einer Mitteilung für die Presse zum Tod von Manfred von Richthofen.
Picture ID: 199
Used in event:464??
Mitteilung für die Presse zum Tod Manfred von RichthofensPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Ablauf der Überführung und des Begräbnisses, Seite 1 Quelle: BArch RH 2/2288 (fol. 48)
Picture ID: 200
Used in event:465??
Ablauf der Überführung und des BegräbnissesPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Ablauf der Überführung und des Begräbnisses, Seite 2 Quelle: BArch RH 2/2288 (fol. 48v)
Picture ID: 201
Used in event:465??
Ablauf der Überführung und des BegräbnissesPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Leichenzug, 20. November 1925 Quelle: BArch RH 2/2288 (fol. 178)
Picture ID: 202
Used in event:466??
Leichenzug und BegräbnisPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Sarg Richthofens Quelle: BArch RH 2/2288 (fol.179) Das Photo vom Leichenzug am 20. November 1925 zeigt den Sarg Richthofens auf einer Lafette. Auf dem Sarg befinden sich eine Ulanen-Tschapka und ein Offizierssäbel.
Picture ID: 203
Used in event:466??
Leichenzug und BegräbnisPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Leichenzug, 20. November 1925 Quelle: BArch RH 2/2288 (fol.179) Das Photo vom Leichenzug am 20. November 1925 zeigt die Spitze des Zuges, vorneweg einen Offizier, der auf einem Ordenskissen die - eigens von der Familie für diesen Anlaß entliehen - Auszeichnungen Richthofens trägt, den höchsten Orden, den Pour le Mérite, zuoberst.
Picture ID: 204
Used in event:466??
Leichenzug und BegräbnisPicture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Richthofens Grab in 1931. Quelle: BArch, Bild 183-2007-0330-500/ Fotograf unbekannt
Picture ID: 205
Used in event:467??
Richthofens Grab in 1931Picture Source ID:21
https://www.bundesarchiv.de/DE/Content/Virtuelle-Ausstellungen/Manfred-Von-Richthofen-Der-Rote-Kampfflieger/manfred-von-richthofen-der-rote-kampfflieger.html -
Das erste Dutzend der von Richthofen abgeschossenen Apparate wird zum Abtransport in die Heimat verladen. (picture source: Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1917, 351.000 - 400.000, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin-Wien)
Picture ID: 206
Used in event:147??
Victory 12Picture Source ID:4
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1917, 351.000 - 400.000, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin-Wien -
picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press
Picture ID: 207
Used in event:52??
Victory 61Picture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
MvR tries out a Pfalz Dr. I during a visit to Speyer in mid-december 1917. (Inside the victories of Manfred von Richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 208
Used in event:254??
Probeflug mit einem Pfalz Dr. IPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofens Staffel. (picture source: Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1933, Eingeleitet und ergänzt von Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, mit einem Vorwort von Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin)
Picture ID: 210
Used in event:7??
Arnold Busch draws MvRPicture Source ID:22
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1933, Eingeleitet und ergänzt von Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, mit einem Vorwort von Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin -
Richthofen vor seinem Dreidecker. (picture source: Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1933, Eingeleitet und ergänzt von Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, mit einem Vorwort von Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin)
Picture ID: 212
Used in event:400??
MvR visits Jasta 5 in BoistrancourtPicture Source ID:22
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1933, Eingeleitet und ergänzt von Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, mit einem Vorwort von Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin -
Many thanks to Detlev Mahlo who kindly supplied the following information:
The photography is a rare aerial view of the airfield of the famous Jasta 2 (later: Jasta Boelcke) at Lagnicourt,which I had never seen before in such detail and quality. The photograph should be of some historical value for researchers and historians about WW1 air war.
In the lower right angle of two roads entering the village, you can spot the tents, which the Jasta (Jagdstaffel = fighter squadron) used for maintenance and covering of their aircraft. Near the road that goes to the bottom of the photo, we see a curved row of Albatros D.I or D.II scouts - the new fighter which regained air superiority for the Another Albatros can be seen a little further down and right - maybe just starting or landing. In the tent area we also find 3 Albatros.
Jasta 2 had its airfield at Lagnicourt from 22 September - 4 December 1916. It was commanded by Germany's top scoring ace at that time: Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke. The date the photo was taken lies only 5 days before Boelcke's death - he died in a flying accident on 28 October 1916. (Source: "The Jasta Pilots" and "Above the Lines", both Norman Franks & Frank Bailey, Grub Street, London).
It is most likely, that this aerial photography was made to trace and locate the Jasta's home field, as Jasta 2 was the most notorious fighter squadron of that time. (Boelcke alone had at this time shot down 38 enemy air-craft. Manfred von Richthofen was flying under Boelcke there, before he later became commander of his own Jagdstaffel 11).
I had made a detailed description of what the photo shows, in a forum of flight simulation. I know that is not a scientific or historical environment, but it may explain the detail a bit better.
http://combatace.com/topic/73097-aerial-photo-of-jasta-2-aerodrome-at-lagnicourt-october-1916/#entry575327">combatace.com/topic/73097-aerial-photo-of-jasta-2-aerodro...Picture ID: 213
Used in event:136??
Jasta 2 moves to LagnicourtPicture Source ID:24
https://livinghistories.newcastle.edu.au/nodes/view/19781 -
Jagdstaffel II. Manfred im Flugzeug. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937)
Picture ID: 214
Used in event:235??
Ernst von Hoeppner, visits Jasta 11Picture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
"Der rote Vogel", Manfred einsteigend (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. )
Picture ID: 215
Used in event:376??
MvR in SchweidnitzPicture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Einer von den achtzig Gegern. Abgeschossener Bristol Fighter, 5. April 1917. (picture source: Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937)
Picture ID: 216
Used in event:183??
Victory 36Picture Source ID:10
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937. -
Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen getekend door Prof. Arnold Busch. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
Picture ID: 217
Used in event:7??
Arnold Busch draws MvRPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen commandeur van het Jagdgeschwader Nr. 1. (picture source: Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1)
Picture ID: 218
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:1
Marke 2 Wereldoorlog 1 -
When Richthofen posed for this photograph in Cologne on 1 May 1917, his days as a neophyte student observer were two years behind him. But it must have given personal satisfaction to stand before an Albatros trainer similar to the one in which he had made his first flights. The 52-victory ace and Pour le Mérite recipient was on his way to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II the following day. Richthofen's luncheon appointment with the Supreme Warlord also fell on his own 25th (and last) birthday, after which he went home to Schweidnitz to work on his memoirs. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 219
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Folllowing pilot training, Richthofen flew Albatros two-seaters with Kampfstaffel 8 of Kampfgeschwader 2 over the Verdun sector. He seems subdued here in conversation with Kasta's 8 commanding officer, Hauptmann Victor Carganico, a pre-war military aviator and BAO veteran. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 220
Used in event:119??
8th Fighter Squadron of the 2nd Fighter WingPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Manfred von Richthofen's worried look in this photograph from his KG2 days is matched by the haunting question and sombre tone of his letter of 22 June. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 221
Used in event:319??
ImmelmannPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
With KG2 on the eastern front. A: Prince Leopold of Bavaria, B: MvR. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 222
Used in event:124??
Bombing flights in RussiaPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Kirmaier, Imelmann, MvR, Wortman. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 223
Used in event:327??
MvR schreibt seine MutterPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
The famed "Ehrenbecher" given by the Generalluftzeugmeister to airmen after their first victory. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 224
Used in event:128??
Victory 01Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Colorized view of various items in Room 2, which among other things includes Hawker's machine gun, an interplane strut, section of propeller, a gunsight, flare guns, and a bell made out of an engine cylinder. The case at right contains Richthofen's famous silver cups and Ehrenbecher. (Lance Bronnenkant) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 225
Used in event:473??
MvR's house in Schweidnitz opens up as a museum in his honour.Picture Source ID:652
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Boelcke's funeral. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 226
Used in event:328??
Boelckes BeerdigungPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
fltr: Hans Weiss, LvR, Leutnant Eberhard Mohnike, Hauptmann Wilhelm Haehnelt, MvR. Lothar joined Jasta 11 on 10 March 1917. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 227
Used in event:343??
Victory 25Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Voß and MvR somewhere after 8 April 1917, after when Voß received his Pour le Mérite. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 228
Used in event:358??
Die ZeitungPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR visits Flieger-Abteilung 258 and Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 229
Used in event:171??
A little flying storyPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Bloody April Weekly Report of 6. Armee. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 230
Used in event:189??
My most successful day so farPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Hauptmann Paul henning von Osterroht, commander of Jasta 12 with MvR looking at Manfred's Albatros D.III. The pilot behind is Unteroffizier Gille. This was the time in April 1917 that Jasta 11 joined with Jasta 12 at Epinoy airfield for a joint mission. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 231
Used in event:479??
Jasta 11 and Jasta 12 joint missionPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Jasta 11 Albatros D.IIIs in Roucourt - Kriegsbilder Linzer Tages Post. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 232
Used in event:360??
Die ZeitungPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
The brothers Richthofen and Hauptmann Erich von Salzmann in Roucourt. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 233
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
View of Richthofen's bedroom in Schweidnitz, purportedly taken in the late 1920s. Along with the sundry serial numbers, rudders, and roundels on display are taxidermic hunting trophies (left wall), the silver victory cups (far wall, center), and a table made of axial propellers (center foreground). Richthofen's bed is at far right. (Peter Kilduff) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 234
Used in event:473??
Pictures of MvR's bedroom after the warPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Visit from Hoeppner. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 235
Used in event:235??
Ernst von Hoeppner, visits Jasta 11Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR in HQ Köln. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 236
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR in HQ Köln. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 237
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR in HQ Köln flown by his friend Fritz Falkenhayn. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 238
Used in event:208??
MvR breakfast with Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR at Köln, at the Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung 7. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 239
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR flying a vintage 1915 Rumpler C.I, during his visit of FEA 7. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 240
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR, Krefft, Göring at HQ Köln. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 241
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR and Hauptmann Otto Zimmer-Vorhaus at Köln. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 242
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR tests a LFG Roland D.III as a potential replacement for the Albatros D.III. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 243
Used in event:368??
TestflugPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR gives advice to Oberleutnant Hans Bethge, during his visit in Berlin. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 244
Used in event:237??
Stay in Berlin - MvR is photographed (for the Sanke postcards?)Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR ist berühmt. (picture source: Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007)
Picture ID: 245
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:26
Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007 -
MvR with Austrian officers. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 246
Used in event:370??
Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR explores the new airfield at Bavikhove (around 10 June 1917). (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 248
Used in event:220??
Jasta 11 moves to Harelbeke, BavikhovePicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR visits Naval Units of the 4th Army in his new role as commander of JG1. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 249
Used in event:1??
Appointed commander of Jagdgeschwader IPicture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
MvR visits II. Marine-Feldflieger-Abteilung in his new role as commander of JG1. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 250
Used in event:1??
Appointed commander of Jagdgeschwader IPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Aerial view of Markebeke. A: Jean De Béthune's Manor. B: Jasta 11. c: Orderly room. D: Jasta 4. E: Jasta 6. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 251
Used in event:412??
JG I BesprechungPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Albatros in which MvR was shot down above Wervicq.
Picture ID: 252
Used in event:9??
MvR woundedPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR and Kurt Wolff both injured at the castle de Béthune at Marke. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 253
Used in event:417??
MvR besucht JG IPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Krefft, Fokker, Wolff, MvR. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 254
Used in event:49??
Demonstration of Fokker DR I by Anthony FokkerPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
General Ludendorff bei der Jagdstaffel.
Picture ID: 255
Used in event:423??
General Ludendorff besucht MarkebekePicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Waiting for the Kaiser, 20 August. The head-swadding is still evident beneath the cap. (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 256
Used in event:45??
Parade voor Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
MvR, Fritz Falkenhayn and the Forckenbeck-Gablenz sisters. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 257
Used in event:208??
MvR breakfast with Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Haus Richthofen. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 258
Used in event:376??
MvR in SchweidnitzPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR nimmt an der Hochzeit seines Kriegskameraden Fritz Prestien teil. MvR ist 5. von links.
Picture ID: 259
Used in event:252??
MvR nimmt an der Hochzeit seines Kriegskameraden Fritz Prestien teil.Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR in a nun's habit.
Picture ID: 260
Used in event:285??
Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR in front of Albatros D. V 4693/17 in Avesnes-le-Sec.
Picture ID: 261
Used in event:480??
Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR & LvR in Avesnes-le-Sec. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 262
Used in event:385??
Brief von LotharPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR taking of from Moorsele. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 264
Used in event:189??
My most successful day so farPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Richthofen in Pfalz Dr.I 3050/17, likely prior to his flight evaluation on 12 December 1917. Pfalz Company test pilot Ernst Schlegel is at left atop the fuselage. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von Richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 265
Used in event:254??
Probeflug mit einem Pfalz Dr. IPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000
Picture ID: 266
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR seeks out his pilots himself. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 267
Used in event:435??
Der Rittmeister sucht sich seine Leute selber ausPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Friedensverhandlungen. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 268
Used in event:256??
Peace talks with RussiaPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Flighttests at Adlershof airfield in Berlin in the company of other aces. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 269
Used in event:387??
Ein paar Zeilen von ManfredPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR & Anthony Fokker. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 270
Used in event:49??
Demonstration of Fokker DR I by Anthony FokkerPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR & LvR. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press )
Picture ID: 271
Used in event:400??
Fokker Triplane first deliveryPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
Kurt Wüsthoff, Wilhelm Reinhard, MvR, Erich Löwenhardt, LvR. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 272
Used in event:259??
Das militärische Vermächtnis Manfred von Richthofens:Picture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
With his back to the wind, a ground handler holds down Richthofen's tail as he runs up an Albatros D.V at Boistrancourt, March 1918. Closeup examination of strut markings indicate the serial number was 4479/17. Note the grass and Richthofen's fur coat blowing in the slipstream. (picture source:Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 273
Used in event:391??
Lothar verwundetPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
A jocular Richthofen chats with Jasta 5 pilots across the empennage of a Fokker triplane after flying to Boistrancourt, 17 March 1918. Often on such errands Richthofen flew the first airplane on hand, in this case Jasta 6's 525/17. (L-R) Richthofen, unknown, Ltn. Hans-Joachim von Hippel, Oblt. Richard Flashar, unknown, Ltn. Hans Schlömer, Ltn. Wilhelm Lehmann. (pictures source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 274
Used in event:480??
MvR visits Jasta 5 in BoistrancourtPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Members of the Reichstag visit MvR in Lechelle. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 275
Used in event:440??
Ich ziehe mir eben einige Kanonen großPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Combat report victory 66.
Picture ID: 276
Used in event:262??
Victory 66Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR relaxing and smoking, a rare sight. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 277
Used in event:439??
Sie kamen in MassenPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
75th victory in the papers. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 278
Used in event:271??
Victory 75Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR preparing to take of in the Fokker Dr. I 127/17, to obtain his 76th victory. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 279
Used in event:272??
Victory 76Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Combat report victory 80.
Picture ID: 280
Used in event:276??
Victory 80Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR autopsy. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 281
Used in event:278??
MvR autopsy (disturbing pictures)Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
No. 3 Squadron, AFC, contributed a broken R.E.8 propeller to be fashioned into a Christian symbol suitable for Richthofen's grave marker. (Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 282
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Le Rhone Engine of the Fokker Dr. I in which MvR died. (picture source: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine)
Picture ID: 283
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:66
PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine -
MvR's fur boots. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 284
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR's seat, with the alleged bulletholes. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 285
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR's death in Die Schlesische Zeitung. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 286
Used in event:395??
Grauenvoller Tag, furchtbarster Tag meines Lebens.Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Leichenzug und Begräbnis. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 287
Used in event:466??
Leichenzug und BegräbnisPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
MvR's Ordenskissen. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 288
Used in event:452??
Überführung von Richthofen nach Deutschland.Picture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
Lt. Krefft becomes MvR's Technical Officer. (picture source: The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000)
Picture ID: 290
Used in event:5??
Lt. Krefft is in commandPicture Source ID:26
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000 -
The remains of 425/17 being picked clean. Note the Maxim machine guns leaning on the tubular steel airframe. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 291
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
MvR in front of a Fokker Dr I. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 292
Used in event:400??
Fokker Triplane first deliveryPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
An enthusiastic horseman, Manfred (left) is seen at the horse trials held in Breslau in 1913. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 293
Used in event:475??
MvR participates in a horse race.Picture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
Then the leading German air ace, Oswald Boelcke, chats with Lt. Höhne seated in the cockpit of a D.H.2 from No. 24 Sqdn, RFC, which he had shot down as his 24th victory. MvR looks on. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 294
Used in event:476??
MvR and Boelcke look at the D.H.2 Boelcke shot down as his 24th victory.Picture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
Boelckes beerdigung. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press )
Picture ID: 295
Used in event:328??
Boelckes BeerdigungPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
(left to right) Sandel, Müller, MvR, Günther, Kirmaier, Imelmann, König, Höhne, Wortmann, Collin. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 296
Used in event:477??
MvR and the pilots of Jasta 2Picture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
April 1917 and a selection of Jasta 11 pilots gather for the camera: (left to right) Hartmann, Plüschow, Krefft, Simon, Wolff, Esser, MvR, LvR, Hintsch, Brauneck, Matthof and Allmenröder. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 297
Used in event:188??
Jasta 11 relocates to RoucourtPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
MvR, his mother Kunigunde, sister Ilse and brother Bolko. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 298
Used in event:340??
UrlaubPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
The helmet worn by MvR bears the marks of use.
Picture ID: 299
Used in event:414??
MvR verwundet am HinterkopfPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
The cat mascot that would survive him. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 300
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
What remains today of MvR's grave in Bertangles. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 301
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
Jasta 2's Albatros Scouts prepare for flight at Lagnicourt. Richthofen in his light-coloured pullover is training his field-glasses on the distant front line. Imelmann and Kirmaier stand close by. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 302
Used in event:327??
MvR schreibt seine MutterPicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
MvR, on the left, while talking to Krefft, Wolff and Brauneck, on the front steps of the château at Roucourt, April 1917. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 303
Used in event:303??
Jasta 11 photoshootPicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
Karl Allmenröder and MvR discussing the coming day's operations. April 1917. The airfield is off to the right, the château within the trees on the left. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 304
Used in event:303??
Jasta 11 photoshootPicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
This photograph was taken on 15 April 1917 at Epinoy airfield when Jasta 11 and Jasta 12 joined together for a mission. Left to right: Leutnant Schock, Leutnant Bevar, Hauptmann Paul von Osterroht, Vizefeldwebel Grigo and MvR. Richthofen is seen wearing his well-worn leather flying jacket and his fur-lined flying helmet. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 305
Used in event:479??
Jasta 11 and Jasta 12 joint missionPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Another picture taken during this same visit. Otto Brauneck, MvR, Major von Richthofen, Böhme, Krefft. Although a pilot, Constantin Krefft was also the unit's Technical Officer. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 306
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
MvR speaking to General Ernst von Hoeppner, General Officer Commanding the German Air Service, with Oberst Hermann von der Lieth-Thomsen, on the left. The latter was Chief of the General Staff to the Commanding General of the Air Service (May 1917). (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 307
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
MvR in his leathers, ready for flight. Not the most flattering picture, he looks a bit like the Jaws character in the James Bond movies. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 309
Used in event:31??
MvR on new recruitsPicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
One of the mysteries of MvR's eighty claims had been scored on the evening of 23 June 1917. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 310
Used in event:218??
Victory 54?Picture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
From time to time, Jasta leaders would be summoned to conferences to discuss the changing circumstances at the front. This particular gathering was at the Jastaschule at Famars. Richthofen is sixth from the left in his fur coat. A number of well-known faces can be picked out and in particular the officer at the back in the light-coloured cap, 7th from the right. This is Karl Bolle, commanding Jasta 2 Boelcke. Jasef Mai of Jasta 5 stands in the doorway, left hand side.
Picture ID: 311
Used in event:478??
MvR at a Jastaschule conferencePicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
Something to smile about. Kurt Wolff, Constantin Krefft, MvR in his leather jacket. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 312
Used in event:429??
Lt. Wolff gefallenPicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
Lothar and Manfred von Richthofen visiting with colleagues Leutnants von der Osten, Esser and Steinhauser. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 313
Used in event:63??
Lothar von Richthofen becomes leader of Jasta 11.Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
In late August 1917, the new Fokker Dr.I Triplane was brought to the front by its designer, Dutchman Anthony Fokker. This picture shows a group of high-ranking German officers visiting JG1 at Marckebeke at this time. To the left of von Richthofen is Oberleutnant Fritz von Falkenhayn (son of General Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of the German General Staff), who had been a memberof BAO. Almost centre in the light coat is German Chancellor, Dr Georg Michaelis. The bearded man is General Friedrich Sixt von Arnim, commander of the German Fourth Army. (picture source: The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books)
Picture ID: 314
Used in event:50??
Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:32
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books -
Among the staff officers accompanying General Sixt von Armin was the Officer in Charge of Aviation, Hauptmann Helmuth Wilber, who made his own inspection of JG 1 accompanied by Richthofen and Bodenschatz. (picture source: Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993)
Picture ID: 315
Used in event:50??
Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:33
Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993 -
Manfred and Leutnant Krefft with the ladies of the Empress's retinue. (picture source: von Richthofen, The legend evaluated, Richard Townshend Bickers, Airlife Publishing, 1996)
Picture ID: 316
Used in event:208??
MvR breakfast with Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:34
von Richthofen, The legend evaluated, Richard Townshend Bickers, Airlife Publishing, 1996 -
MvR with fellow cadets in infantry Waffenrock. MvR is third one down in centre. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 317
Used in event:90??
First period as an officerPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
A young MvR with fellow observers during training. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 318
Used in event:106??
Observer at MackensenPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Richthofen's bandaged digit is seen in this photograph with comrades (from left) Rittmeister Hans Freiherr von Köntitz, Leutnant Hans ReichsFreiherr Haller von Hallerstein and Leutnant von Katte at Brieftauben-Abteilung Ostende's airfield at Ghistelles, Belgium. (picture source: Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007)
Picture ID: 319
Used in event:104??
Advanced trainingPicture Source ID:68
Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007 -
MvR and Hauptmann Paul Henning von Osterroht poring over a map to discuss the next possible mission. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 320
Used in event:479??
Jasta 11 and Jasta 12 joint missionPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR with his Great Dane Moritz. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 322
Used in event:25??
MvR convalescesPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Kampfgeschwader 2 members with a young MvR fourth from the right in the front row.
Picture ID: 323
Used in event:119??
8th Fighter Squadron of the 2nd Fighter WingPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
A young MvR wrapped up against the cold. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 324
Used in event:189??
My most successful day so farPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR using a ladder to get into the cockpit of his Albatros D.III. Note the unpainted patched bullet hole in the fuselage aft of the cockpit. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 325
Used in event:189??
My most successful day so farPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR talking with a young admirer. This picture gives a good indication of MvR's short stature. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 327
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Miniature portrait of MvR. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 328
Used in event:365??
MvR ist berühmtPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR and LvR visiting a wounded colleague in hospital. The colleague is said to be Leutnant Victor Shwerk.
Picture ID: 329
Used in event:211??
My brotherPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR with his friend and former Uhlan officer Leutnant Alfred Gerstenberg. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 330
Used in event:69??
Letter of Hartha Gerstenberg to Albert FliptsPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
A formally dressed MvR with his brother LvR to his right with unknown senior officers. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 331
Used in event:1??
Appointed commander of Jagdgeschwader IPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR looking up at his friend von Falkenhayn standing on the wing of an Aviatik C.II whilst at Bad Homberg for the visit of the Kaiserin. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 332
Used in event:208??
MvR breakfast with Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR clambering into a Rumpler C.I together with Leutnant Konstantin Krefft after a stopover in Cologne whilst they were on their way to Germany. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 333
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR and Kurt Wolff in the rear of a Rumpler C.I flown by Oberleutnant Henning Krefft on their way to Schwerin-Gorries. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 334
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Another shot of MvR and Wolff in a Rumpler C.I being flown by Krefft. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 335
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR in flying kit, talking with a fellow officer. The Rumpler C.I flown by Leutnant Krefft is being prepared for take-off.
Picture ID: 336
Used in event:32??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR and Kurt Wolff being chauffered during a visit to another Jasta. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 337
Used in event:413??
JG I BesprechungPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Rare, but no a good quality, photograph of MvR with his brother LvR, both wearing their full medal bars. MvR still has his head bandaged from the head wound he received during a dogfight. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 338
Used in event:428??
MvR im Urlaub befohlenPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR being dressed for a flight after a stopover at Köln. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 339
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR chatting with Hauptmann Spranger, CO of Köln. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 340
Used in event:207??
MvR flies to HQ to meet Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ludendorff and HindenburgPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR chatting with Leutnant Alfred Muller during a stopover at Moorsele. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 341
Used in event:189??
My most successful day so farPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR visiting II Marine Flieger Abteilung in his Albatros D.III. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 342
Used in event:1??
Appointed commander of Jagdgeschwader IPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR visiting Jasta 5 and returning the salute of Leutnant Fritz Rumey. Oberleutnant Richard Flashar is standing behind MvR with Leutnant Wilhelm Lehmann and Leutnant Schaumberg to his right. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 343
Used in event:480??
MvR visits Jasta 5 in BoistrancourtPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR visiting a flying school. The identity of the other two men is not known. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 344
Used in event:401??
MvR visits Kampfgeschwader 3Picture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Richthofen during the Kaiser military parade, 20 August. Although a military event that required attendance, photographs such as this reveal light-hearted moments in which Richthofen freely mingled with comrades. Here, a smiling Richthofen walks with Rudolf Berthold (left) and Eduard Dostler (over Richthofen's left shoulder). It is poignant to note that the day after this light-hearted scne, Dostler was shot down and KiA. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 345
Used in event:45??
Parade voor Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Officers casually awaiting the arrival of the Kaiser. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 346
Used in event:45??
Parade voor Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Another shot of Lieutenant A.F.Bird of 46 Squadron, RFC after being shot down by MvR for his 61st victory. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 347
Used in event:52??
Victory 61Picture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR, LvR and their father Albrecht.(picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 348
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR (far left in front row) attending the funeral of Leutnant Wilhelm Gürke of Jasta 5. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 349
Used in event:481??
Funeral Leutnant Wilhelm Gürke of Jasta 5Picture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR meeting with fellow pilots. On his right is Leutnant Kurt Wolff. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 350
Used in event:429??
Lt. Wolff gefallenPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Anthony Fokker talking with General Sixt von Armin about the Fokker Triplane. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 351
Used in event:50??
Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR and Chancellor Georg Michaelis about to watch a demonstration of his Fokker Triplane. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 352
Used in event:50??
Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR and Chancellor Georg Michaelis watching Anthony Fokker put his Fokker Triplane through its paces. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 353
Used in event:50??
Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Anthony Fokker in flying clothes talking with General Sixt von Armin, with Chancellor Georg Michaelis on the left and a smiling MvR behind. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 354
Used in event:50??
Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
British signal from General Rawlinson to 5th Australian Division stating that the German aircraft they shot down was that of MvR. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 355
Used in event:403??
Final flightPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
AFC pilots looking at the wreckage of the Red Baron's Fokker Triplane. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 356
Used in event:404??
Souvenir huntingPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR's coffin being carried from the AFC camp. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 357
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
AFC leading the funeral cortege with rifles reversed with officers following the coffin-carrying truck.
Picture ID: 358
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Australian guard of honour preparing to fire a volley of three shots over MvR's grave. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 359
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Local villagers and members of the AFC looking at the grave of MvR. Some of those villagers looking on may have been responsible for trying to dig it up that same night, objecting to the burying of a German in their local graveyard at Sailly-le-Sec, Somme. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 360
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
MvR's grave with a cross made from the remnants of a propeller at the head. (picture source: The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021)
Picture ID: 361
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:35
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021 -
Victory 1
Picture ID: 362
Used in event:128??
Victory 01Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 2
Picture ID: 363
Used in event:130??
Victory 02Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 4
Picture ID: 364
Used in event:132??
Victory 04Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 5
Picture ID: 365
Used in event:133??
Victory 05Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 6
Picture ID: 366
Used in event:137??
Victory 06Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 3
Picture ID: 367
Used in event:131??
Victory 03Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Posing in front of a Pfalz triplane are, from left: Ltn Auer, Pfalz construction chief and firm co-owner Ernst Everbusch, Hptmn Willy Meyer of Kogenluft staff, Hptmn Albert Mülig-Hofmann, Ltn Krefft, Rittm von Richthofen, Obltn Fritz von Falkenhayn of the Kogenluft staff, Jasta 12 leader (and later JG III Kommandeur), Obltn Adolf Ritter von Tutschek, Dipl-Ing Ernst Schlegel of the Pfalz testing staff, company founder and co-owner Alfred Everbusch, Obltn Rist, an unknown person, and Pfalz test pilot Stuckmann. (picture source: Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993)
Picture ID: 368
Used in event:254??
Probeflug mit einem Pfalz Dr. IPicture Source ID:33
Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993 -
Germany’s most famous flying ace began the war in the cavalry. (Image source: German Federal Archive)
Picture ID: 369
Used in event:91??
Outbreak of warPicture Source ID:45
https://militaryhistorynow.com/2014/01/15/get-your-baron-on-14-amazing-facts-about-germanys-most-famous-flying-ace/ -
Victory 7
Picture ID: 370
Used in event:??
Victory 07Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 8
Picture ID: 371
Used in event:140??
Victory 08Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 9
Picture ID: 372
Used in event:142??
Victory 09Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 10
Picture ID: 373
Used in event:143??
Victory 10Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 11
Picture ID: 374
Used in event:144??
Victory 11Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 12
Picture ID: 375
Used in event:147??
Victory 12Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
The house in Swidnica. With the kind permission of u/royal-seal on Reddit.
Picture ID: 376
Used in event:599??
Recent pictures of the house in SwidnicaPicture Source ID:17
General internet search -
The house in Swidnica. With the kind permission of u/royal-seal on Reddit.
Picture ID: 377
Used in event:599??
Recent pictures of the house in SwidnicaPicture Source ID:17
General internet search -
The house in Swidnica. With the kind permission of u/royal-seal on Reddit.
Picture ID: 378
Used in event:599??
Recent pictures of the house in SwidnicaPicture Source ID:17
General internet search -
The house in Swidnica. With the kind permission of u/royal-seal on Reddit.
Picture ID: 379
Used in event:599??
Recent pictures of the house in SwidnicaPicture Source ID:17
General internet search -
September 1916. The first Albatros D.I scouts arrive at Jagdstaffel 2. Note the large white square behind the national markings, changed later to a white trim closely following the contours of the black cross. (picture source: Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press)
Picture ID: 380
Used in event:129??
Somme SchlachtPicture Source ID:31
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press -
A postcard illustration published in the 1930s. (picture source: General internet search)
Picture ID: 396
Used in event:154??
MvR receives 'Pour le mérite'Picture Source ID:17
General internet search -
Oswald Boelcke's Beerdigung. (picture source: General internet search)
Picture ID: 397
Used in event:328??
Boelckes BeerdigungPicture Source ID:17
General internet search -
picture source: Aeronauticum Nordholz via Reinhard 'Kanzler' Schroeder of the Richthofen Geschwader)
Picture ID: 398
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:67
Aeronauticum Nordholz -
Alder magazine July 1939. (picture source: General internet search)
Picture ID: 399
Used in event:154??
MvR receives 'Pour le mérite'Picture Source ID:17
General internet search -
MvR and Bodenschatz visit Loewenhardts Jasta 10. (picture source: General internet search)
Picture ID: 401
Used in event:8??
Jastas 4,6,10, 11 in command relationship to JG1Picture Source ID:17
General internet search -
MvR at Adlershof. (picture source: General internet search)
Picture ID: 402
Used in event:576??
Richard Wenzl speaks about "typenprüfungen" in AdlershofPicture Source ID:17
General internet search -
picture source: General internet search
Picture ID: 408
Used in event:154??
MvR receives 'Pour le mérite'Picture Source ID:17
General internet search -
General internet search
Picture ID: 411
Used in event:208??
MvR breakfast with Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:17
General internet search -
General internet search
Picture ID: 412
Used in event:208??
MvR breakfast with Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:17
General internet search -
MvR at the funeral of Franz Bohlein (Jasta 10) 16 March 1918. (picture source: General internet search)
Picture ID: 414
Used in event:752??
MvR at the funeral of Franz Bohlein (Jasta 10) 16 March 1918Picture Source ID:17
General internet search -
Victory 25
Picture ID: 420
Used in event:167??
Victory 25Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 26
Picture ID: 421
Used in event:168??
Victory 26Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 27
Picture ID: 422
Used in event:169??
Victory 27Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 28
Picture ID: 423
Used in event:170??
Victory 28Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 29
Picture ID: 424
Used in event:173??
Victory 29Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art
Picture ID: 425
Used in event:176??
Victory 30Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 31
Picture ID: 426
Used in event:177??
Victory 31Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 32
Picture ID: 427
Used in event:179??
Victory 32Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 33
Picture ID: 428
Used in event:180??
Victory 33Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 34
Picture ID: 429
Used in event:181??
Victory 34Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 35
Picture ID: 430
Used in event:182??
Victory 35Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 36
Picture ID: 431
Used in event:183??
Victory 36Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 37
Picture ID: 432
Used in event:184??
Victory 37Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 38
Picture ID: 433
Used in event:185??
Victory 38Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 40
Picture ID: 434
Used in event:187??
Victory 40Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 43
Picture ID: 435
Used in event:192??
Victory 43Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 44
Picture ID: 436
Used in event:195??
Victory 44Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 45
Picture ID: 437
Used in event:196??
Victory 45Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
DOn Hollway's analysis of the Red Baron's last flight
Picture ID: 441
Used in event:688??
Last flight analysis by Don HollwayPicture Source ID:59
Don Hollway's article for History Magazine Oct/Nov 2015 -
Translated versions of Richthofen's first two combat reports, as procured from the National Archives, London. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 442
Used in event:127??
Victory 01Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Jürgen Sandel, Richthofen, Bodo von Lyncker, and Hans Immelman (L-R) on the undercarriage of Sandel's Albatros D.I 431/16 (Greg VanWyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 443
Used in event:603??
Ein Dorado für die JagdfliegerPicture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
The front steps of the Chateau at Roucourt. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 444
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:61
Close up of the famous steps at the back of the Chateau in Roucourt. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 445
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:
The back of the Chateau at Roucourt, with the famous steps featuring MvR, Lothar and their father. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 446
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:
Chateau Roucourt, view from the entrance gate. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 447
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:
The commemorative sign near the Cappy Airfield. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 448
Used in event:402??
Awaiting ordersPicture Source ID:
The Cappy airfield nowadays. (picture source: self, December2023)
Picture ID: 449
Used in event:402??
Awaiting ordersPicture Source ID:
The field where MvR made his final (crash) landing and died. Gunner Twycross was in a nearby trench and witnessed MvR's last words 'Alles Kaputt'. To the left of the picture are the Sainte Colette brickworks (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 450
Used in event:403??
Final flightPicture Source ID:
The commemorative sign at the crash landing site. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 451
Used in event:403??
Final flightPicture Source ID:
The Sainte Colette brickworks, close to which Emery and Jeffrey had their gun position. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 452
Used in event:403??
Final flightPicture Source ID:
The entrance to the Bertangles Communal Cemetary. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 453
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:
The entrance to the Bertangles Communal Cemetary. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 454
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:
From within the cemetary, approximately the same angle of the historical pictures. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 455
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:
The spot where MvR was initially buried in nowadays Bertangles. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 456
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:
The commemorative sign close to the Bertangles Cemetary. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 457
Used in event:279??
MvR funeralPicture Source ID:
The commemorative sign at the anamorphic work of art in Vaux-sur-Somme. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 458
Used in event:692??
Inauguration of an anamorphic work of art commemorating MvRPicture Source ID:
The anamorphic work of art in Vaux-sur-Somme. It is part of four anamorphic works of art commemorating four important hisotric figures related to the Battle of the Somme. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 459
Used in event:692??
Inauguration of an anamorphic work of art commemorating MvRPicture Source ID:
A sideview of the work of art. (picture source: self, December 2023)
Picture ID: 460
Used in event:692??
Inauguration of an anamorphic work of art commemorating MvRPicture Source ID:
Aerial view of La Brayelle aerodrome. This expansive pre-war airfield served many German units and was Jasta 11's home from October 1916 until mid-April 1917. After Richthofen's tenure there began in January 1917 he amassed 28 credited victories. (DEHLA Collection) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 461
Used in event:153??
MvR appointed leader of Jasta 11Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen (center, walking toward camera) in front of Albatros D.III 2051/16. At left is Rumpler C.I 4633/15, and at right is Prinz Karl's Albatros D.I.
Picture ID: 462
Used in event:178??
First DublettePicture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Manfred von Richthofen converses with brother Lothar prior to (or just after) a flight. They are standing next to an Albatros D.III but there is not enough of the machine visible to identify which one.
Picture ID: 463
Used in event:183??
Victory 36Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
This photograph shows a daylight bombing raid on La Brayelle by No,23 Squadron F.E.2bs on 13 August 1916. Bomb explosions (casting long shadows) can be seen amongst the landing area and structures in the middle of the photograph. (H. Kilmer) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 464
Used in event:718??
Bombs on La BrayellePicture Source ID:61
Aerial view of Roucourt airfield. Landing grounds were to the right of the triangular-shaped woods, where three tent hangars are positioned aling the rear wall but have not been erected. Jasta 11 billeted in the chateau at center, in front of which can be seen the stairs that served as the location of several famous Jasta 11 group photographs. View is of the rear of the chateau. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 465
Used in event:188??
Jasta 11 relocates to RoucourtPicture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
A jocular Kurt Wollf looks on as Richthofen suits up for flight. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 466
Used in event:199??
Victory 47Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
From left (top row): Leutnant Carl Allmenröder (KiA 27 June 1917); Leutnant Lothar von Richthofen; Leutnant Wolfgang Plüschow (DOW 5 July 1918); Leutnant von Hartmann.
(Bottom row): Leutnant Georg Simon (POW 4 June 1917); Leutnant Kurt Wolff (KiA 15 September 1917); Manfred von Richthofen (KiA 21 April 1918); Major von Richthofen; Leutnant der Reserve Konstantin Krefft; Leutnant der Reserve Hans Hintsch (KiA 25 May 1917). (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)Picture ID: 467
Used in event:202??
The »old man« comes to visit usPicture Source ID:26
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Colorized photo of Richthofen climbing into Le Petit Rouge; using ladders eased cockpit ingress and egress. Note Richthofen's abundant clothing to stave the cold at altitude, including a thick scarf wrapped securely around his neck and face - not trailing down his back loosely to flap in the wind a la airshow and Hollywood cliché. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 468
Used in event:203??
Victory 49Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen suits up pre-flight at Roucourt, presumably next to Le Petit Rouge. Photographs reveal Albatroses occasionally had their serial numbers chalked onto the ailerons, and thisd appears to have been done with this machine. Tantalizingly, the serial number is illegible. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 469
Used in event:206??
Victory 52Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Victory 46 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 470
Used in event:198??
Victory 46Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 47 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 471
Used in event:199??
Victory 47Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 48 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 472
Used in event:201??
Victory 48Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 49 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 473
Used in event:203??
Victory 49Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 50 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 474
Used in event:204??
Victory 50Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 51 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 475
Used in event:205??
Victory 51Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 52 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 476
Used in event:206??
Victory 52Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 53 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 477
Used in event:217??
Victory 53Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 54 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 478
Used in event:218??
Victory 54?Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 55 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 479
Used in event:219??
Victory 55Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 56 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 480
Used in event:221??
Victory 56Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 57 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 481
Used in event:6??
Victory 57Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 58 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 482
Used in event:35??
Victory 58Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 59 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 483
Used in event:48??
Victory 59Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 60 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 484
Used in event:427??
Victory 60Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 61 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 485
Used in event:52??
Victory 61Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 62 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 486
Used in event:75??
Victory 62Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 63 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 487
Used in event:223??
Victory 63Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 64 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 488
Used in event:224??
Victory 64Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 65 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 489
Used in event:260??
Victory 65Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 66 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 490
Used in event:262??
Victory 66Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 67 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 491
Used in event:263??
Victory 67Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 68 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 492
Used in event:264??
Victory 68Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 69 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 493
Used in event:265??
Victory 69Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 70 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 494
Used in event:266??
Victory 70Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 71 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 495
Used in event:267??
Victory 71Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 72 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 496
Used in event:268??
Victory 72Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 73 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 497
Used in event:269??
Victory 73Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Richthofen and Wollf (with arm in sling) take a daytrip from the hospital to visit their comrades at Marckebeke, 20 July 1917. From left to right: (Top) Eberhard Monicke, Wilhelm Reinhardt, Nurse Weinstroth, Richthofen, Albrecht von Richthofen (Manfred's father), Guido Scheffer. (Middle) Franz Müller, Karl Bodenschatz, Joachim Wollf, Alfred Niederhoff. (Bottom) Konstantin Krefft, Otto Brauneck (who would be KIA six days later), Wilhelm Bockelmann, Wollf, Prof. Arnold Busch, Karl Meyer, Carl August von Schönebeck. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 498
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Colorized photo of Richthofen with nurse Oltersdorf. The date is unknown but likely between 20-25 July. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 499
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
This sketch reveales the general location of skull sutures. Richthofen's medical records indicate his wound was situated "left on the border between the occiput and the perietal bone", known as the Lamboid suture. (pictures source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 500
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
A montage of disappearing photographs that shows the location of the localized bandage on Richthofen's head. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 501
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Although no photographs of Richthofen's tangential gunshot wound are known to exist, Medical illustrator David Peace's depiction, based on his personal experience with combat wounds and information furnished him by the author, reveals how a vertically-oriented (when viewed in profile) wound may have looked as it appeared to surgeons. This illustration graphically depicts the wound's severity beyond that of a mere graze. Normal scalp tension caused the wound to gape to a size of roughly 10 x 6 cmand expose enough of Richthofen's skull to reveal the Lamboid suture, visible here as a squiggly line at the extreme lower right aspect of the wound. Note some discolored scarring of the skull at center, which depicts the observed roughness/presumed bullet groove. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 502
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen's wound after surgery, fully sutured with an "almond sized" portion of the skull exposed at center. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 503
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
The wound as covered by the localized dressing. In this view the straps lay across the wide portion atop the dressing but they may have been integrated within it; known photographs do not depict this area in detail. In any event, though the wound is covered, the position of the dressing reveals the vertical orientation. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 504
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
An average skull of a mid-twenties European male is superimposed atop Richthofen's profile, with average tissue depths presented. The bandage and thus wound orientation atop the Lamboid suture is evident. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 505
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
"Top: Elevation of the bullet that struck Richthofen, travelling at 30 degrees above/below the horizontal. Note that if fired from below, the bullet must have passed through the lower port wing before striking the head.
Below: Azimuth of the bullet that struck Richthofen, fired from eiter 10 or 4 o'clock. Either would have arrived from a blind spot. The dashed line indicates the bullet flight path is below - not through - the upper port wing." (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)Picture ID: 506
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Graphic depiction of the 6 JUly aerial battle. Rate of average altitude loss is dependent upon the time of the German attack and varies between accounts; thus, two are shown. Crosses mark Richthofen's estimated attack altitude and are plotted against each No. 20 Squadron altitude loss time frame, as well as Air Defense Officer Ltn. Hans Schröder's estimation of Richthofen's fall 15 minutes after the battle began. The roundel reveals that in both time frames No,10 Squadron triplanes arrived too late and too low to attack Richthofen before his wounded descent. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 507
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
A modern aerial view of Richthofen's landing site in Comines, France. The 14th-century church Sint Medarduskerk is visible at upper right. La Montagne is lower right at the center of a highlighted circular area that depicts the 1 km radius within which Hans Schröder estimated the emergency landing field was located from his observation post. Points "a", "b" and "c" depict locations from which photos of Richthofen's downed Albatros were taken in 1917, "d" depicts the locations from which a view of the landing ground was taken in 2004, (underlying geographic image courtesy of Google Earth) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 508
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James F. Miller's analysis of MvR's headwound incident.Picture Source ID:61
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
MvR waiting for the procession to start that would bring Allmenröder to the trainstation in Kortrijk for transfer to Wald, Germany. (picture source and copyright: Provinciaal Archief Karmelieten Gent (België))
Picture ID: 509
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MvR and Kurt Wolff attend Allmenröder's funeral service before his transfer to Solingen-Wald.Picture Source ID:65
Provinciaal Archief Karmelieten Gent (België) -
MvR waiting for the procession to start that would bring Allmenröder to the trainstation in Kortrijk for transfer to Wald, Germany. (picture source and copyright: Provinciaal Archief Karmelieten Gent (België))
Picture ID: 510
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MvR and Kurt Wolff attend Allmenröder's funeral service before his transfer to Solingen-Wald.Picture Source ID:65
Provinciaal Archief Karmelieten Gent (België) -
MvR and Wolff walk together in the funeral procession to honour Karl Allmenröder who was KiA 27 June 1917. (picture source and copyright: Provinciaal Archief Karmelieten Gent (België))
Picture ID: 511
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MvR and Kurt Wolff attend Allmenröder's funeral service before his transfer to Solingen-Wald.Picture Source ID:65
Provinciaal Archief Karmelieten Gent (België) -
Richthofen's mother Kunigunde tending to some of the souvenirs in her son's bedroom. Triangular fabric swatches on the wall are the port and starboard serial numbers of Sopwith Pup B1795. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 512
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Victory 61Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Colorized view of Richthofen in Albatros C.IX 4508/16 at Hannover, Germany, ca. Sept/Oct, 1917. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 513
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MvR in SchweidnitzPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen in the front cockpit of Albatros C.IX 4508/16 at Hannover, Germany, ca. Sept/Oct, 1917. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 514
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MvR in SchweidnitzPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen in the front cockpit of 4508/16, preparing for flight with Mohnicke. The Albatros C.IX had a fairing before the front cockpit that blocked the wind, the clear panels of which allowed light to enter the cockpit. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 515
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MvR in SchweidnitzPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Wearing a parachute harness and pear-shaped from thick layers of protective clothing, Richthofen (under the 'X') walks toward 127/17, now displaying his triplane's usual red markings. Note the ground crewman holding Richthofen's deerskin boots and that an entrance ladder has been set up next to the cockpit. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 516
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Victory 74Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen sits on a Fokker Triplane wheel for an informal pose with his dog Moritz. The airplane appears to be inside a tent hangar and either is extraordinaryly clean or Richthofen had a cavalier regard toward oil stains on his fur coat. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 517
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Fokker Triplane first deliveryPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Victory 74 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
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Victory 74Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 75 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
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Victory 75Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 76 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 520
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Victory 76Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 77 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
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Victory 77Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 78 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
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Victory 78Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 79 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
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Victory 79Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 80 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 524
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Victory 80Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Richthofen sitting atop the steps of Castle de Béthune, Marckebeke, late July or early/mid August, 1917. His initial head 'swaddling' bandage is in full view and remained in use until or just after the removal of bone splinters 26 August, after which healing ostensibly allowed its replacement with the strapped-on bandage. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 525
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MvR convalescesPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Another photo taken 20 August. Richthofen is smiling, apparently relaxed, and engaging in conversation. (Greg Vanwyngarden). (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 526
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Parade voor Kaiser Wilhelm IIPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Smiling broadly (center) Richthofen stands at Marckebeke with German Chancellor Georg Michaelis (center) and Anthony Fokker (center-left, arms behind back) 31 August, during Fokker's demonstration of his new pre-production triplane, F.I 102/17. (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 527
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Visit of Reichskansler Dr. Michaelis to MarkebekePicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen smiles broadly as he listens to Fokker confer with Michaelis. Fokker F.I 102/17 sits in the background, parked next to an unidentified Albatros D.V. Fokker's cine camera is visible at left. (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 528
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Demonstration of Fokker DR I by Anthony FokkerPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen inspects his 61st victory, No. 46 Squadron Algernon Bird's downed Sopwith Pup near Bousbeque. Bird is reported to have directed his forced landing into a tree to destroy his machine, and the ditch visible underneath the airplane likely aided that endeavor. Note Anthony Fokker, wearing Bird's confiscated leather flight jacket, is leaning into the cockpit. (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 529
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Victory 61Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen posing with a moose he shot during enforced leave in September (Greg Vanwyngarden) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 530
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ElchjagdPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Manfred von Richthofen bezoekt Jasta 10, v.l.n.r. Loewenhardt, Bodenschatz, Kühn, von Richthofen, Heldmann, Schäfer, Aue en Grassmann. (Deze foto werd genomen in de boomgaard van de hoeve van Medard Vandewoestijne-"Slossens" de barak op de achtergrond is een "Werkstatt".) (picture source:Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 )
Picture ID: 531
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Jastas 4,6,10, 11 in command relationship to JG1Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
(L-R) Löwenhart, Hptm. Bruno Loerzer (Jasta 26), Ricchthofen, Hptm. Curt Schwarzenberger (Idflieg staff officer), Klein during the First Fighter Competition at Adlershof, Berlin, January 1918. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 532
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Richard Wenzl speaks about "typenprüfungen" in AdlershofPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016
Picture ID: 533
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Demonstration of Fokker DR I by Anthony FokkerPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Colorized photo of Richthofen's room in Chateau Roucourt, April 1917. A wide array of rudder and fuselage fabric adorns the wall, along with flare guns and plaque-mounted engine and manufacture placards (lower centre). Note the recessed ceiling panels and rotary engine chandelier. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 534
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Ein Tag bei Staffel 11Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
A wider view of the same room in Chateau Roucourt. (Lance Bronnenkant) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 535
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Ein Tag bei Staffel 11Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Plaque-mounted engine and manufacture placards. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 536
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Ein Tag bei Staffel 11Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Another view of Richthofen's bedroom. Engine chandelier is at upper right, with three rudders and what appears to be another taxidermic trophy. The Lewis machine gun above the door is likely from Lanoe Hawker's D.H.2. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 537
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Pictures of MvR's bedroom after the warPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Clear view of Richthofen's bedroom. Regardless of the room being quite cluttered there is organization to the way the items have been arranged. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 538
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Pictures of MvR's bedroom after the warPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Closeup of Richthofen's victory cups and Ehrenbecher, as displayed in his bedroom with famous and oft-published photographs on the wall. Mounted on the lower right corner of the central portrait is the duck feather 'trophy' Kunigunde made for Manfred when he was a boy. (Lancce Bronnenkant) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 539
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Pictures of MvR's bedroom after the warPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Kunigunde cares for her son's souvenirs post-war. Cameras and pistons reside on the table before her, and the serial numbers from Richthofen's 61st victory (Sopwith Pup B1795) are mounted on the wall. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 540
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MvR's house in Schweidnitz opens up as a museum in his honour.Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Bruno Loerzer (at lecturn) speaks at the Richthofen Museum dedication, April 1933. Bolko and Ilse are at far right; Kunigunde looks into the camera. From the entertainement section of the German newspaper Vossische Zeitung that covered the event: "Fatherland, glory, sacrifice, duty - these four words should be decorating the rooms of the new museum, so said Göring, because they were the quintessence of Manfred von Richthofen's life and death; and therefore his spirit should ever live on in the new generation, and his memory should be cherished." (Peter Kilduff) (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 541
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MvR's house in Schweidnitz opens up as a museum in his honour.Picture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen in the cockpit of Roland D.III 700/17, which he flight evaluated at Adlershof, Berlin, 16 May 1917. (picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von Richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 542
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TestflugPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Manfred and Lothar in full flight gear, standing next to a Fokker Dr.I. v(picture source: Inside the victories of Manfred von Richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016)
Picture ID: 543
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Fokker Triplane first deliveryPicture Source ID:62
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016 -
Richthofen's last fight (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 545
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Final flightPicture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 42 (picture source - Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 547
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Victory 42Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 39 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 548
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Victory 39Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
Victory 41 (picture source: Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art)
Picture ID: 549
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Victory 41Picture Source ID:42
Thomas La Padula - Aviation Art -
MvR in de huidige Dorpsstraat 16 in Jabbeke. (picture source: Flanders Aviation Society leden die meehelpen aan de site)
Picture ID: 554
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MvR übernimmt wieder das Kommando über JG IPicture Source ID:36
Flanders Aviation Society leden die meehelpen aan de site
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