A history in pictures
The Red Baron, a history in pictures, Norman Franks, 2016, Pen & Sword Books
Source ID:32
Beyond the legend of the Red Baron
Richthofen, Beyond the legend of the Red Baron, Peter Kilduff, Arms and Armour, 1993
Source ID:33
Bodenschatz - Jagd in Flanderns Himmel
Jagd in Flanderns Himmel, Karl Bodenschatz, Verlag Knorr & Hirth München, 1935
Source ID:58
Bodenschatz Diaries
Jan Hayzlett Hunting With Richthofen: the Bodenschatz diaries
Source ID:16
Bundesarchiv Deutschlands
Source ID:21
Der rote Kampfflieger 1917
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1917, 351.000 - 400.000, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin-Wien
Source ID:4
Der rote Kampfflieger 1933
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1933, Eingeleitet und ergänzt von Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, mit einem Vorwort von Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, Verlag Ullstein & Co, Berlin
Source ID:22
Der rote Kampfflieger 1990
Der rote Kampfflieger von Rittmeister Manfred Freiherrn von Richthofen, 1990 mit Einführung von Nato-Generalsekretär Dr. Manfred Wörner, mit dem 'Reglement für Kamppflieger'.
Source ID:28
Haiber, A Calendar History
The Red Baron, The World War I Aces Series Number 1, William & Robert Haiber, 1992, Info Devel Press
Source ID:69
Inside the victories - Volume 1
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 1, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016
Source ID:61
Inside the victories - Volume 2
Inside the victories of Manfred von richthofen - Volume 2, James F. Miller, Aeronaut Books, 2016
Source ID:62
Mein Kriegestagebuch 1937
Die Erinnerungen der Mutter des roten Kampffliegers Kunigunde Freifrau von Richthofen. Im Verlag Ullstein - Berlin, 1937.
Source ID:10
Military History Now
Source ID:45
Over The Front
Over the Front, quarterly by the League of World War 1 Aviation Historians
Source ID:53
Reddit thread colorized picture
Source ID:19

Richthofen the man and the aircraft he flew
Manfred von Richthofen, The man and the aircraft he flew, David Baker, 1990, Outline Press
Source ID:31
Richthofen, Italiaander
Richthofen, der beste Jagdflieger des großen Krieges, Italiaander, A. Weichert Verlag, Berlin, 1938
Source ID:54
Richthofen, The Red Knight of the Air
Richthofen, The Red Knight of the Air, Vigilant, Reprint 1967 by Cedric Chivers Ltd, printed by Anton Hain KG in Germany
Source ID:57
Service tourisme Vaux-sur-somme
Service tourisme Vaux-sur-somme, Le Circuit 'Mémoire en perspectives', 2018
Source ID:63
The dramatic true story of the Red Baron
The dramatic true story of the Red Baron, Wiliam E Burrows, 1972, Mayflower Books
Source ID:29
The Great War Illustrated 1917
The Great War Illustrated 1917, William Langford & Jack Holroyd
Source ID:12
The Illustrated Red Baron
The Illustrated Red Baron - The life and times of Manfred von Richthofen - Peter Kilduff -Cassel & Co - 2000
Source ID:26

The International Encyclopedia of Aircraft
The International Encyclopedia of Aircraft, Oriole Publishing, 1991
Source ID:46
The legend evaluated
von Richthofen, The legend evaluated, Richard Townshend Bickers, Airlife Publishing, 1996
Source ID:34
The Life and Death of an Ace
Red Baron, The Life and Death of an Ace, Peter Kilduff, A David & Charles book, 2007
Source ID:68
The Red Baron photographic
The Red Baron, a photographic album of the first world war's greatest ace, Manfred von Richthofen, Terry C Treadwell, Pen and Sword Books, 2021
Source ID:35
The Red Baron's Last Flight
The Red Baron's Last Flight - Norman Franks - Alan Bennett
Source ID:39
The Red Knight of Germany
The Red Knight of Germany, the story of Baron von Richthofen, Floyd Gibbons, 1927, 1959 Bantam Books
Source ID:43
The University of Newcastle - Australia
Source ID:24
theaerodrome.com Jasta 11
Source ID:6
theaerodrome.com thread
Source ID:14
Under the guns of the Red Baron
Under the guns of the Red Baron, Norman Franks, Hal Giblin and Nigel McCrery
Source ID:13

Who killed the Red Baron?
Who killed the Red Baron? - PJ Carisella & James W Ryan, 1969, Purnell Book Services
Source ID:44
Wikipedia - List of victories
Source ID:2